Multiplayer Updates
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 1032 additions and 788 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const osu = require("osu-packet"),
maths = require("./util/Maths.js"),
Multiplayer = require("./Multiplayer.js");
OsuBattleRoyale = require("./MultiplayerExtras/OsuBattleRoyale.js");
//Multiplayer = require("./Multiplayer.js");
module.exports = function(User, Message, Stream, IsCalledFromMultiplayer = false) {
if (Message[0] != "!") return;
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ module.exports = function(User, Message, Stream, IsCalledFromMultiplayer = false
let responseMessage = "";
let gay = null;
let commandBanchoPacketWriter = null;
switch (command) {
case "!help":
@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ module.exports = function(User, Message, Stream, IsCalledFromMultiplayer = false
case "mp":
responseMessage = "Multiplayer Commands:" +
"\n!mp start - Starts a multiplayer match with a delay" +
"\n!mp abort - Aborts the currently running multiplayer match";
"\n!mp abort - Aborts the currently running multiplayer match" +
"\n!mp obr - Enables Battle Royale mode";
case "admin":
@ -69,29 +71,30 @@ module.exports = function(User, Message, Stream, IsCalledFromMultiplayer = false
case "!msg":
gay = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
commandBanchoPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(Stream, gay.toBuffer, null);
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(Stream, commandBanchoPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
case "!fuckoff":
gay = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
commandBanchoPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
case "!mp":
if (!IsCalledFromMultiplayer) return;
if (User.currentMatch.matchStartCountdownActive) return;
if (args.length == 1) return;
switch (args[1]) {
case "start":
if (args.length > 3) return;
if (`${parseInt(args[2])}` != "NaN") {
User.currentMatch.matchStartCountdownActive = true;
let countdown = parseInt(args[2]);
let intervalRef = setInterval(() => {
let local_osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
@ -112,19 +115,38 @@ module.exports = function(User, Message, Stream, IsCalledFromMultiplayer = false
senderId: global.users[0].id
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(Stream, local_osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
setTimeout(() => Multiplayer.startMatch(User), 1000);
User.currentMatch.matchStartCountdownActive = false;
setTimeout(() => User.currentMatch.startMatch(), 1000);
}, 1000);
} else {
responseMessage = "Good luck, have fun!";
setTimeout(() => Multiplayer.startMatch(User), 1000);
setTimeout(() => User.currentMatch.startMatch(), 1000);
case "abort":
if (args.length > 2) return;
//if (args.length > 2) return;
case "obr":
if (User.currentMatch.multiplayerExtras != null) {
if ( == "osu! Battle Royale") {
commandBanchoPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
sendingClient: global.users[0].username,
message: "osu! Battle Royale has been disabled!",
target: "#multiplayer",
senderId: global.users[0].id
User.currentMatch.multiplayerExtras = null;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(Stream, commandBanchoPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
else enableOBR(User, Stream, commandBanchoPacketWriter);
else enableOBR(User, Stream, commandBanchoPacketWriter);
@ -152,4 +174,22 @@ module.exports = function(User, Message, Stream, IsCalledFromMultiplayer = false
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(Stream, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
function enableOBR(User, Stream, commandBanchoPacketWriter) {
User.currentMatch.multiplayerExtras = new OsuBattleRoyale(User.currentMatch);
commandBanchoPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
sendingClient: global.users[0].username,
message: "osu! Battle Royale has been enabled!",
target: "#multiplayer",
senderId: global.users[0].id
sendingClient: global.users[0].username,
message: "New Multiplayer Rules Added:\n - Players that are in a failed state by the end of the map get eliminated\n - The player(s) with the lowest score get eliminated",
target: "#multiplayer",
senderId: global.users[0].id
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(Stream, commandBanchoPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
@ -1,756 +0,0 @@
const osu = require("osu-packet"),
getUserById = require("./util/getUserById.js"),
StatusUpdate = require("./Packets/StatusUpdate.js");
module.exports = {
userEnterLobby:function(currentUser) {
// If the user is currently already in a match force them to leave
if (currentUser.currentMatch != null) {
currentUser.currentMatch = null;
// Add user to the stream for the lobby
const osuPacketWriter1 = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
let userIds = [];
// Add the ID of every user connected to the server to an array
for (let i = 0; i < global.users.length; i++) {
// Send all user ids back to the client
// Send user ids to all users in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", osuPacketWriter1.toBuffer, null);
// Loop through all matches
for (let i = 0; i < global.matches.length; i++) {
// Loop through all the users in this match
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < global.matches[i][1].slots.length; i1++) {
const slot = global.matches[i][1].slots[i1];
// Make sure there is a player / the slot is not locked
if (slot.playerId == -1 || slot.status == 2) continue;
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Get user in this slot
const User = getUserById(slot.playerId);
// Get user score info from the database
const userScoreDB = global.DatabaseHelper.getFromDB(`SELECT * FROM users_modes_info WHERE user_id = ${} AND mode_id = ${User.playMode} LIMIT 1`);
let UserStatusObject = {
status: User.actionID,
statusText: User.actionText,
beatmapChecksum: User.beatmapChecksum,
currentMods: User.currentMods,
playMode: User.playMode,
beatmapId: User.beatmapID,
rankedScore: userScoreDB.ranked_score,
accuracy: userScoreDB.avg_accuracy / 100, // Scale of 0 to 1
playCount: userScoreDB.playcount,
totalScore: userScoreDB.total_score,
rank: User.rank,
performance: userScoreDB.pp_raw
// Send user status back for client display
// Send this data back to every user in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// List the match on the client
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Add the user to the #lobby channel
if (!global.StreamsHandler.isUserInStream("#lobby",
userLeaveLobby:function(currentUser) {
// Remove user from the stream for the multiplayer lobby if they are a part of it
if (global.StreamsHandler.isUserInStream("multiplayer_lobby",
updateMatchListing:function() {
const osuPacketWriter1 = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
let userIds = [];
// Add the ID of every user connected to the server to an array
for (let i = 0; i < global.users.length; i++) {
// Send all user ids back to the client
// Send user ids to all users in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", osuPacketWriter1.toBuffer, null);
// List through all matches
for (let i = 0; i < global.matches.length; i++) {
// List through all users in the match
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < global.matches[i][1].slots.length; i1++) {
const slot = global.matches[i][1].slots[i1];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it / isn't locked
if (slot.playerId == -1 || slot.status == 2) continue;
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Get the user in this slot
const User = getUserById(slot.playerId);
// Get user score info from the database
const userScoreDB = global.DatabaseHelper.getFromDB(`SELECT * FROM users_modes_info WHERE user_id = ${} AND mode_id = ${User.playMode} LIMIT 1`);
let UserStatusObject = {
status: User.actionID,
statusText: User.actionText,
beatmapChecksum: User.beatmapChecksum,
currentMods: User.currentMods,
playMode: User.playMode,
beatmapId: User.beatmapID,
rankedScore: userScoreDB.ranked_score,
accuracy: userScoreDB.avg_accuracy / 100, // Scale of 0 to 1
playCount: userScoreDB.playcount,
totalScore: userScoreDB.total_score,
rank: User.rank,
performance: userScoreDB.pp_raw
// Send user status back for client display
// Send this data back to every user in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// List the match on the client
// Send this data back to every user in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
createMultiplayerMatch:function(currentUser, data) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// If there is no password instead set the password param to null
if (data.gamePassword == '') data.gamePassword == null;
// Create a match with the data given by the creating client
let NewMatchObject = {
matchId: global.matches.length,
inProgress: false,
matchType: 0,
activeMods: 0,
gameName: data.gameName,
gamePassword: data.gamePassword,
beatmapName: data.beatmapName,
beatmapId: data.beatmapId,
beatmapChecksum: data.beatmapChecksum,
slots: data.slots,
playMode: 0,
matchScoringType: 0,
matchTeamType: 0,
specialModes: 0,
hidden: false,
seed: data.seed
for (let i = 0; i < NewMatchObject.slots.length; i++) {
let s = NewMatchObject.slots[i];
s.mods = 0;
// Update the status of the current user
// Queue match creation for user
global.StreamsHandler.addStream(`mp_${data.gameName.split(" ").join("-")}`, true, NewMatchObject.matchId);
global.matches.push([`mp_${data.gameName.split(" ").join("-")}`, NewMatchObject]);
// Join the user to the newly created match
this.joinMultiplayerMatch(currentUser, {
matchId: NewMatchObject.matchId,
gamePassword: NewMatchObject.gamePassword
joinMultiplayerMatch:function(currentUser, data) {
try {
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
const osuPacketWriter1 = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
const streamName = global.matches[data.matchId][0];
const mpLobby = global.matches[data.matchId][1];
let full = true;
// Loop through all slots to find an empty one
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot doesn't have a player in it / the slot is locked
if (slot.playerId !== -1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Slot is empty and not locked, we can join the match!
full = false;
slot.playerId =;
currentUser.matchSlotId = i;
slot.status = 4;
if (full) {
// Inform the client that they can't join the match
osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Set the user's current match to this match
currentUser.currentMatch = data.matchId;
// Add user to the stream for the match
// Inform all users in the match that a new user has joined
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(streamName, osuPacketWriter1.toBuffer, null);
// Inform joining client they they have joined the match
// Update the match listing for all users in the lobby since
// A user has joined a match
} catch (e) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
setReadyState:function(currentUser, state) {
// Get the match the user is in
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop though all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Check if the player in this slot is this user
if (slot.playerId == {
// Turn on or off the user's ready state
if (state) slot.status = 8;
else slot.status = 4;
// Send this update to all users in the stream
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
sendMatchUpdate:function(currentUser) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Update all users in the match with new match information
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
updateMatch:function(currentUser, data) {
// Update match with new data
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1] = data;
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Send this new match data to all users in the match
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update the match listing in the lobby to reflect these changes
moveToSlot:function(currentUser, data) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
let currentUserData, slotIndex;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the user in this slot is the user we want
if (slot.playerId != continue;
currentUserData = slot;
slotIndex = i;
// Set the new slot's data to the user's old slot data
mpLobby.slots[data].playerId = currentUserData.playerId;
currentUser.matchSlotId = data;
mpLobby.slots[data].status = currentUserData.status;
// Set the old slot's data to open
mpLobby.slots[slotIndex].playerId = -1;
mpLobby.slots[slotIndex].status = 1;
// Send this change to all users in the match
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update the match listing in the lobby to reflect this change
kickPlayer:function(currentUser, data) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Make sure the user attempting to kick / lock is the host of the match
if ( != return;
// Get the data of the slot at the index sent by the client
const slot = mpLobby.slots[data];
let cachedPlayerId = slot.playerId;
// If the slot is empty lock instead of kicking
if (slot.playerId === -1) { // Slot is empty, lock it
if (slot.status === 1) slot.status = 2;
else slot.status = 1;
// The slot isn't empty, prepare to kick the player
else {
const kickedPlayer = getUserById(slot.playerId);
kickedPlayer.matchSlotId = -1;
slot.playerId = -1;
slot.status = 1;
// Inform all users in the match of the change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update the match listing in the lobby listing to reflect this change
if (cachedPlayerId !== null || cachedPlayerId !== -1) {
// Remove the kicked user from the match stream
global.StreamsHandler.removeUserFromStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], cachedPlayerId);
matchSkip:function(currentUser) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
if (global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] == null) {
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] = [];
const skippedSlots = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2];
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Add the slot's user to the loaded checking array
skippedSlots.push({playerId: slot.playerId, skipped: false});
const skippedSlots = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2];
for (let i = 0; i < skippedSlots.length; i++) {
// If loadslot belongs to this user then set loaded to true
if (skippedSlots[i].playerId == {
skippedSlots[i].skipped = true;
let allSkipped = true;
for (let i = 0; i < skippedSlots.length; i++) {
if (skippedSlots[i].skipped) continue;
// A user hasn't finished playing
allSkipped = false;
// All players have finished playing, finish the match
if (allSkipped) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] = null;
} else {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
missingBeatmap:function(currentUser, state) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the user in the slot is the user we want to update
if (slot.playerId != continue;
// If the user is missing the beatmap set the status to reflect it
if (state) slot.status = 16;
// The user is not missing the beatmap, set the status to normal
else slot.status = 4;
// Inform all users in the match of this change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
transferHost:function(currentUser, data) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Get the information of the user that the host is being transfered to
const newUser = getUserById(mpLobby.slots[data].playerId);
// Set the lobby's host to the new user
|||| =;
// Inform all clients in the match of the change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// TODO: Allow freemod to work
updateMods(currentUser, data) {
// Make sure the person updating mods is the host of the match
// TODO: Add a check here for is freemod is enabled
if (Object.keys(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1].slots[0]).includes("mods")) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
if (slot.playerId === {
slot.mods = data;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
} else {
if (global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1].host !== return;
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Change the matches mods to these new mods
// TODO: Do this per user if freemod is enabled
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1].activeMods = data;
// Inform all users in the match of the change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update match listing in the lobby to reflect this change
startMatch(currentUser) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
// Make sure the match is not already in progress
// The client sometimes double fires the start packet
if (mpLobby.inProgress) return;
mpLobby.inProgress = true;
// Create array for monitoring users until they are ready to play
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] = [];
const loadedSlots = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2];
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Add the slot's user to the loaded checking array
loadedSlots.push({playerId: slot.playerId, loaded: false});
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Set the user's status to playing
slot.status = 32;
// Inform all users in the match that it has started
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update all users in the match with new info
// Update match listing in lobby to show the game is in progress
setPlayerLoaded:function(currentUser) {
const loadedSlots = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2];
// Loop through all user load check items
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
// If loadslot belongs to this user then set loaded to true
if (loadedSlots[i].playerId == {
loadedSlots[i].loaded = true;
// Loop through all loaded slots and check if all users are loaded
let allLoaded = true;
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
if (loadedSlots[i].loaded) continue;
// A user wasn't loaded, keep waiting.
allLoaded = false;
// All players have loaded the beatmap, start playing.
if (allLoaded) {
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Blank out user loading array
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] = null;
onPlayerFinishMatch:function(currentUser) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
// If user loading slots do not exist
if (global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] == null) {
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] = [];
// Repopulate user loading slots again
const loadedSlots = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2];
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Populate user loading slots with this user's id and load status
loadedSlots.push({playerId: slot.playerId, loaded: false});
const loadedSlots = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2];
// Loop through all loaded slots to make sure all users have finished playing
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
if (loadedSlots[i].playerId == {
loadedSlots[i].loaded = true;
let allLoaded = true;
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
if (loadedSlots[i].loaded) continue;
// A user hasn't finished playing
allLoaded = false;
// All players have finished playing, finish the match
if (allLoaded) this.finishMatch(currentUser);
finishMatch:function(currentUser) {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
if (!mpLobby.inProgress) return;
global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][2] = [];
mpLobby.inProgress = false;
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Set the user's status back to normal from playing
slot.status = 4;
// Inform all users in the match that it is complete
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update all users in the match with new info
// Update match info in the lobby to reflect that the match has finished
updatePlayerScore:function(currentUser, data) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Make sure the user's slot ID is not invalid
if (currentUser.matchSlotId == -1) return;
// Get the user's current slotID and append it to the givien data, just incase.
|||| = currentUser.matchSlotId;
// Send the newly updated score to all users in the match
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
leaveMatch:function(currentUser) {
try {
const mpLobby = global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][1];
let userInMatch = false;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Check if the user is in this slot
if (slot.playerId == {
userInMatch = true;
// Make sure we don't run more than once
// Again, client double firing packets.
if (!userInMatch) return;
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Make sure the user is in this slot
if (slot.playerId != continue;
// Set the slot's status to avaliable
slot.playerId = -1;
slot.status = 1;
// Remove the leaving user from the match's stream
// Inform all users in the match that the leaving user has left
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0], osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Remove user from the multiplayer channel for the match
let empty = true;
// Check if the match is empty
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Check if the slot is avaliable
if (slot.playerId === -1) continue;
// There is a user in the match
empty = false;
// The match is empty, proceed to remove it.
if (empty) {
let matchIndex;
// Loop through all matches
for (let i = 0; i < global.matches.length; i++) {
// If the match matches the match the user has left
if (global.matches[i][0] == global.matches[currentUser.currentMatch][0]) {
matchIndex = i;
// Make sure we got a match index
if (matchIndex == null) return;
// Remove this match from the list of active matches
global.matches.splice(matchIndex, 1);
} catch (e) { }
// Update the match listing to reflect this change (either removal or user leaving)
// Delay a 2nd match listing update
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
const osu = require("osu-packet"),
MultiplayerMatch = require("../MultiplayerMatch.js"),
getUserById = require("../util/getUserById.js");
module.exports = class {
constructor(MultiplayerMatchClass = new MultiplayerMatch()) {
|||| = "osu! Battle Royale";
this.MultiplayerMatch = MultiplayerMatchClass;
onMatchFinished(playerScores = [{playerId:0,slotId:0,score:0,isCurrentlyFailed:false}]) {
let lowestScore = 9999999999999999;
for (let i = 0; i < playerScores.length; i++) {
const playerScore = playerScores[i];
if (playerScore.score < lowestScore) lowestScore = playerScore.score;
let everyoneHasTheSameScore = true;
for (let i = 0; i < playerScores.length; i++) {
if (playerScores[i].score != lowestScore) everyoneHasTheSameScore = false;
// Everyone has the same score, we don't need to kick anyone
if (everyoneHasTheSameScore) return;
// Kick everyone with the lowest score
for (let i = 0; i < playerScores.length; i++) {
// Kick players if they have the lowest score or they are in a failed state
if (playerScores[i].score == lowestScore || playerScores[i].isCurrentlyFailed) {
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Get the slot this player is in
const slot = this.MultiplayerMatch.slots[playerScores[i].slotId];
// Get the kicked player's user class
const kickedPlayer = getUserById(slot.playerId);
// Remove the kicked player's referance to the slot they were in
kickedPlayer.matchSlotId = -1;
// Lock the slot the kicked player was in
slot.playerId = -1;
slot.status = 2;
// Remove the kicked player from the match's stream
// Remove the kicked player's referance this this match
kickedPlayer.currentMatch = null;
// Inform the kicked user's client that they were kicked
sendingClient: global.users[0].username,
message: "You were eliminated from the match!",
target: global.users[0].username,
senderId: global.users[0].id
osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
sendingClient: global.users[0].username,
message: `${kickedPlayer.username} was eliminated from the match!`,
target: "#multiplayer",
senderId: global.users[0].id
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.MultiplayerMatch.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
let numberOfPlayersRemaining = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < playerScores.length; i++) {
const slot = this.MultiplayerMatch.slots[playerScores[i].slotId];
if (slot.playerId !== -1 && slot.status !== 2) {
let playerClassContainer = null;
let remainingWriterContainer = null;
let i = 0;
if (numberOfPlayersRemaining == 1) {
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < playerScores.length; i++) {
const slot = this.MultiplayerMatch.slots[playerScores[i].slotId];
if (slot.playerId !== -1 && slot.status !== 2) {
playerClassContainer = getUserById(slot.playerId);
switch (numberOfPlayersRemaining) {
case 0:
remainingWriterContainer = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
sendingClient: global.users[0].username,
message: "Everyone was eliminated from the match! Nobody wins.",
target: global.users[0].username,
senderId: global.users[0].id
for (i = 0; i < playerScores.length; i++) {
playerClassContainer = getUserById(playerScores[i].playerId);
case 1:
remainingWriterContainer = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
sendingClient: global.users[0].username,
message: "You are the last one remaining, you win!",
target: global.users[0].username,
senderId: global.users[0].id
// Update the match listing for users in the multiplayer lobby
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
const osu = require("osu-packet"),
getUserById = require("./util/getUserById.js"),
UserPresenceBundle = require("./Packets/UserPresenceBundle.js"),
UserPresence = require("./Packets/UserPresence.js"),
StatusUpdate = require("./Packets/StatusUpdate.js"),
MultiplayerMatch = require("./MultiplayerMatch.js");
module.exports = class {
constructor() {
this.matches = [];
userEnterLobby(currentUser) {
// If the user is currently already in a match force them to leave
if (currentUser.currentMatch != null)
// Add user to the stream for the lobby
// Send user ids of all online users to all users in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", UserPresenceBundle(currentUser, false), null);
// Loop through all matches
for (let i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) {
// Loop through all the users in this match
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < this.matches[i].slots.length; i1++) {
const slot = this.matches[i].slots[i1];
// Make sure there is a player / the slot is not locked
if (slot.playerId == -1 || slot.status == 2) continue;
// Send information for this user to all users in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", UserPresence(currentUser, slot.playerId, false), null);
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", StatusUpdate(currentUser, slot.playerId, false), null);
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// List the match on the client
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Add the user to the #lobby channel
if (!global.StreamsHandler.isUserInStream("#lobby", {
userLeaveLobby(currentUser) {
// Remove user from the stream for the multiplayer lobby if they are a part of it
if (global.StreamsHandler.isUserInStream("multiplayer_lobby",
updateMatchListing() {
// Send user ids of all online users to all users in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", UserPresenceBundle(null, false), null);
// List through all matches
for (let i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) {
// List through all users in the match
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < this.matches[i].slots.length; i1++) {
const slot = this.matches[i].slots[i1];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it / isn't locked
if (slot.playerId == -1 || slot.status == 2) continue;
// Send information for this user to all users in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", UserPresence(null, slot.playerId, false), null);
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", StatusUpdate(null, slot.playerId, false), null);
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// List the match on the client
// Send this data back to every user in the lobby
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream("multiplayer_lobby", osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
createMultiplayerMatch(MatchHost, MatchData) {
let matchClass = null;
this.matches.push(matchClass = new MultiplayerMatch(MatchHost, MatchData));
// Join the user to the newly created match
this.joinMultiplayerMatch(MatchHost, {
matchId: matchClass.matchId,
gamePassword: matchClass.gamePassword
joinMultiplayerMatch(JoiningUser, JoinInfo) {
try {
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
const osuPacketWriter1 = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
let matchIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) {
if (this.matches[i].matchId == JoinInfo.matchId) {
matchIndex = i;
const streamName = this.matches[matchIndex].matchStreamName;
const match = this.matches[matchIndex];
let full = true;
// Loop through all slots to find an empty one
for (let i = 0; i < match.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = match.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot doesn't have a player in it / the slot is locked
if (slot.playerId !== -1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Slot is empty and not locked, we can join the match!
full = false;
slot.playerId =;
JoiningUser.matchSlotId = i;
slot.status = 4;
const matchJSON = match.createOsuMatchJSON();
if (full) {
// Inform the client that they can't join the match
osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
return JoiningUser.addActionToQueue(osuPacketWriter.toBuffer);
// Set the user's current match to this match
JoiningUser.currentMatch = match;
// Add user to the stream for the match
// Inform all users in the match that a new user has joined
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(streamName, osuPacketWriter1.toBuffer, null);
// Inform joining client they they have joined the match
// Update the match listing for all users in the lobby since
// A user has joined a match
} catch (e) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
leaveMultiplayerMatch(MatchUser) {
// Make sure the user is in a match
if (MatchUser.currentMatch == null) return;
const mpLobby = MatchUser.currentMatch.leaveMatch(MatchUser);
let empty = true;
// Check if the match is empty
for (let i = 0; i < mpLobby.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = mpLobby.slots[i];
// Check if the slot is avaliable
if (slot.playerId === -1) continue;
// There is a user in the match
empty = false;
// The match is empty, proceed to remove it.
if (empty) {
let matchIndex;
// Loop through all matches
for (let i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) {
// If the match matches the match the user has left
if (this.matches[i].matchStreamName == MatchUser.currentMatch.matchStreamName) {
matchIndex = i;
// Make sure we got a match index
if (matchIndex == null) return;
// Remove this match from the list of active matches
this.matches.splice(matchIndex, 1);
MatchUser.currentMatch = null;
// Update the match listing to reflect this change (either removal or user leaving)
// Delay a 2nd match listing update
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
const osu = require("osu-packet"),
getUserById = require("./util/getUserById.js"),
StatusUpdate = require("./Packets/StatusUpdate.js");
// TODO: Cache the player's slot position in their user class for a small optimisation
module.exports = class {
constructor(MatchHost, MatchData = {matchId: -1,inProgress: false,matchType: 0,activeMods: 0,gameName: "",gamePassword: '',beatmapName: '',beatmapId: 1250198,beatmapChecksum: '',slots: [],host: 0,playMode: 0,matchScoringType: 0,matchTeamType: 0,specialModes: 0,seed: 0}) {
this.matchId = global.getAndAddToHistoricalMultiplayerMatches();
this.inProgress = MatchData.inProgress;
this.matchStartCountdownActive = false;
this.matchType = MatchData.matchType;
this.activeMods = MatchData.activeMods;
this.gameName = MatchData.gameName;
if (MatchData.gamePassword == '') MatchData.gamePassword == null;
this.gamePassword = MatchData.gamePassword;
this.beatmapName = MatchData.beatmapName;
this.beatmapId = MatchData.beatmapId;
this.beatmapChecksum = MatchData.beatmapChecksum;
this.slots = MatchData.slots;
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
this.slots[i].mods = 0;
|||| =;
this.playMode = MatchData.playMode;
this.matchScoringType = MatchData.matchScoringType;
this.matchTeamType = MatchData.matchTeamType;
this.specialModes = MatchData.specialModes;
this.seed = MatchData.seed;
this.matchStreamName = `mp_${this.matchId}`;
this.matchLoadSlots = null;
this.matchSkippedSlots = null;
this.playerScores = null;
this.multiplayerExtras = null;
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Update the status of the current user
// Queue match creation for user
global.StreamsHandler.addStream(this.matchStreamName, true, this.matchId);
// Update the match listing for users in the multiplayer lobby
createOsuMatchJSON() {
return {
matchId: this.matchId,
inProgress: this.inProgress,
matchType: this.matchType,
activeMods: this.activeMods,
gameName: this.gameName,
gamePassword: this.gamePassword,
beatmapName: this.beatmapName,
beatmapId: this.beatmapId,
beatmapChecksum: this.beatmapChecksum,
slots: this.slots,
playMode: this.playMode,
matchScoringType: this.matchScoringType,
matchTeamType: this.matchTeamType,
specialModes: this.specialModes,
seed: this.seed
leaveMatch(MatchUser) {
try {
let userInMatch = false;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Check if the user is in this slot
if (slot.playerId == {
userInMatch = true;
// Make sure we don't run more than once
// Again, client double firing packets.
if (!userInMatch) return;
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the user is in this slot
if (slot.playerId != continue;
// Set the slot's status to avaliable
slot.playerId = -1;
slot.status = 1;
// Remove the leaving user from the match's stream
// Inform all users in the match that the leaving user has left
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Remove user from the multiplayer channel for the match
return this;
} catch (e) { }
updateMatch(MatchData) {
// Update match with new data
this.inProgress = MatchData.inProgress;
this.matchType = MatchData.matchType;
this.activeMods = MatchData.activeMods;
this.gameName = MatchData.gameName;
if (MatchData.gamePassword == '') MatchData.gamePassword == null;
this.gamePassword = MatchData.gamePassword;
this.beatmapName = MatchData.beatmapName;
this.beatmapId = MatchData.beatmapId;
this.beatmapChecksum = MatchData.beatmapChecksum;
|||| =;
this.playMode = MatchData.playMode;
this.matchScoringType = MatchData.matchScoringType;
this.matchTeamType = MatchData.matchTeamType;
this.specialModes = MatchData.specialModes;
this.seed = MatchData.seed;
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Send this new match data to all users in the match
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update the match listing in the lobby to reflect these changes
sendMatchUpdate() {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Update all users in the match with new match information
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
moveToSlot(MatchUser, SlotToMoveTo) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
let currentUserData, slotIndex;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the user in this slot is the user we want
if (slot.playerId != continue;
currentUserData = slot;
slotIndex = i;
// Set the new slot's data to the user's old slot data
this.slots[SlotToMoveTo].playerId = currentUserData.playerId;
MatchUser.matchSlotId = SlotToMoveTo;
this.slots[SlotToMoveTo].status = currentUserData.status;
// Set the old slot's data to open
this.slots[slotIndex].playerId = -1;
this.slots[slotIndex].status = 1;
// Send this change to all users in the match
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update the match listing in the lobby to reflect this change
setReadyState(MatchUser, ReadyState) {
// Get the match the user is in
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop though all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Check if the player in this slot is this user
if (slot.playerId == {
// Turn on or off the user's ready state
if (ReadyState) slot.status = 8; // Ready
else slot.status = 4; // Not Ready
// Send this update to all users in the stream
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
lockMatchSlot(MatchUser, MatchUserToKick) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Make sure the user attempting to kick / lock is the host of the match
if ( != return;
// Make sure the user that is attempting to be kicked is not the host
if (this.slots[MatchUserToKick].playerId === return;
// Get the data of the slot at the index sent by the client
const slot = this.slots[MatchUserToKick];
let cachedPlayerId = slot.playerId;
// If the slot is empty lock instead of kicking
if (slot.playerId === -1) { // Slot is empty, lock it
if (slot.status === 1) slot.status = 2;
else slot.status = 1;
// The slot isn't empty, prepare to kick the player
else {
const kickedPlayer = getUserById(slot.playerId);
kickedPlayer.matchSlotId = -1;
slot.playerId = -1;
slot.status = 1;
// Inform all users in the match of the change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update the match listing in the lobby listing to reflect this change
if (cachedPlayerId !== null && cachedPlayerId !== -1) {
// Remove the kicked user from the match stream
global.StreamsHandler.removeUserFromStream(this.matchStreamName, cachedPlayerId);
missingBeatmap(MatchUser) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the user in the slot is the user we want to update
if (slot.playerId != continue;
// User is missing the beatmap set the status to reflect it
slot.status = 16;
// Inform all users in the match of this change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
notMissingBeatmap(MatchUser) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the user in the slot is the user we want to update
if (slot.playerId != continue;
// The user is not missing the beatmap, set the status to normal
else slot.status = 4;
// Inform all users in the match of this change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
matchSkip(MatchUser) {
if (this.matchSkippedSlots == null) {
this.matchSkippedSlots = [];
const skippedSlots = this.matchSkippedSlots;
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Add the slot's user to the loaded checking array
skippedSlots.push({playerId: slot.playerId, skipped: false});
const skippedSlots = this.matchSkippedSlots;
for (let i = 0; i < skippedSlots.length; i++) {
// If loadslot belongs to this user then set loaded to true
if (skippedSlots[i].playerId == {
skippedSlots[i].skipped = true;
let allSkipped = true;
for (let i = 0; i < skippedSlots.length; i++) {
if (skippedSlots[i].skipped) continue;
// A user hasn't finished playing
allSkipped = false;
// All players have finished playing, finish the match
if (allSkipped) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
this.matchSkippedSlots = null;
} else {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
transferHost(MatchUserToTransferHostTo) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Set the lobby's host to the new user
|||| = this.slots[MatchUserToTransferHostTo].playerId;
// Inform all clients in the match of the change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// TODO: Fix not being able to add DT when freemod is active
updateMods(MatchUser, MatchMods) {
// Check if freemod is enabled
if (this.specialModes === 1) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
if (slot.playerId === {
slot.mods = MatchMods;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
} else {
// Make sure the person updating mods is the host of the match
if ( !== return;
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Change the matches mods to these new mods
// TODO: Do this per user if freemod is enabled
this.activeMods = MatchMods;
// Inform all users in the match of the change
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update match listing in the lobby to reflect this change
startMatch() {
// Make sure the match is not already in progress
// The client sometimes double fires the start packet
if (this.inProgress) return;
this.inProgress = true;
// Create array for monitoring users until they are ready to play
this.matchLoadSlots = [];
const loadedSlots = this.matchLoadSlots;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Add the slot's user to the loaded checking array
playerId: slot.playerId,
loaded: false
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user in it
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Set the user's status to playing
slot.status = 32;
// Inform all users in the match that it has started
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update all users in the match with new info
// Update match listing in lobby to show the game is in progress
matchPlayerLoaded(MatchUser) {
const loadedSlots = this.matchLoadSlots;
// Loop through all user load check items
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
// If loadslot belongs to this user then set loaded to true
if (loadedSlots[i].playerId == {
loadedSlots[i].loaded = true;
// Loop through all loaded slots and check if all users are loaded
let allLoaded = true;
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
if (loadedSlots[i].loaded) continue;
// A user wasn't loaded, keep waiting.
allLoaded = false;
// All players have loaded the beatmap, start playing.
if (allLoaded) {
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Blank out user loading array
this.matchLoadSlots = null;
this.playerScores = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
this.playerScores.push({playerId: slot.playerId, slotId: i, score: 0, isCurrentlyFailed: false});
onPlayerFinishMatch(MatchUser) {
// If user loading slots do not exist
if (this.matchLoadSlots == null) {
this.matchLoadSlots = [];
// Repopulate user loading slots again
const loadedSlots = this.matchLoadSlots;
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Populate user loading slots with this user's id and load status
playerId: slot.playerId,
loaded: false
const loadedSlots = this.matchLoadSlots;
// Loop through all loaded slots to make sure all users have finished playing
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
if (loadedSlots[i].playerId == {
loadedSlots[i].loaded = true;
let allLoaded = true;
for (let i = 0; i < loadedSlots.length; i++) {
if (loadedSlots[i].loaded) continue;
// A user hasn't finished playing
allLoaded = false;
// All players have finished playing, finish the match
if (allLoaded) this.finishMatch();
finishMatch() {
if (!this.inProgress) return;
this.matchLoadSlots = null;
this.inProgress = false;
let osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Loop through all slots in the match
for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; i++) {
const slot = this.slots[i];
// Make sure the slot has a user
if (slot.playerId === -1 || slot.status === 1 || slot.status === 2) continue;
// Set the user's status back to normal from playing
slot.status = 4;
// Inform all users in the match that it is complete
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
// Update all users in the match with new info
// Update match info in the lobby to reflect that the match has finished
if (this.multiplayerExtras != null) this.multiplayerExtras.onMatchFinished(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.playerScores)));
this.playerScores = null;
updatePlayerScore(MatchPlayer, MatchScoreData) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Make sure the user's slot ID is not invalid
if (this.matchSlotId == -1) return;
// Get the user's current slotID and append it to the givien data, just incase.
|||| = MatchPlayer.matchSlotId;
// Update the playerScores array accordingly
for (let i = 0; i < this.playerScores.length; i++) {
if (this.playerScores[i].playerId == {
this.playerScores[i].score = MatchScoreData.totalScore;
this.playerScores[i].isCurrentlyFailed = MatchScoreData.currentHp == 254;
// Send the newly updated score to all users in the match
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
matchFailed(MatchUser) {
const osuPacketWriter = new osu.Bancho.Writer;
// Make sure the user's slot ID is not invalid
if (MatchUser.matchSlotId == -1) return;
global.StreamsHandler.sendToStream(this.matchStreamName, osuPacketWriter.toBuffer, null);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module.exports = function(CurrentUser, InvitedUser) {
sendingClient: CurrentUser.username,
message: `Come join my multiplayer match: [osump://${CurrentUser.currentMatch}/ ${global.matches[CurrentUser.currentMatch][1].gameName}]`,
message: `Come join my multiplayer match: [osump://${CurrentUser.currentMatch.matchId}/ ${CurrentUser.currentMatch.gameName}]`,
target: CurrentUser.username,
@ -3,22 +3,25 @@ const getUserById = require("./util/getUserById.js");
module.exports = class {
constructor() {
this.avaliableStreams = {};
this.avaliableStreamKeys = [];
addStream(streamName, removeIfEmpty, spectatorHostId = null) {
const streamNames = Object.keys(this.avaliableStreams);
if (streamNames.includes(streamName)) return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not add stream [${streamName}] A stream with the same name already exists`);
addStream(streamName = "", removeIfEmpty = false, spectatorHostId = null) {
// Make sure a stream with the same name doesn't exist already
if (this.avaliableStreamKeys.includes(streamName))
return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not add stream [${streamName}] A stream with the same name already exists`);
// Add new stream to the list of streams
this.avaliableStreams[streamName] = {
streamUsers: [], // An array containing a list of user IDs of the users in a given stream
streamSpectatorHost: spectatorHostId, // null unless stream is for spectating
removeIfEmpty: removeIfEmpty
this.avaliableStreamKeys = Object.keys(this.avaliableStreams);
global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Added stream [${streamName}]`);
// Checks if a stream has no users in it
streamChecker(interval) {
streamChecker(interval = 5000) {
setInterval(() => {
// Get the names of all currently avaliable streams
const streams = global.StreamsHandler.getStreams();
@ -62,14 +65,35 @@ module.exports = class {
addUserToStream(streamName, userId) {
// Make sure the stream we are attempting to add this user to even exists
if (!this.doesStreamExist(streamName))
return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not add user to stream [${streamName}] because it does not exist!`);
// Make sure the user isn't already in the stream
if (this.avaliableStreams[streamName].streamUsers.includes(userId))
return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not add user to stream [${streamName}] because they are already in it!`);
// Make sure this isn't an invalid user (userId can't be lower than 1)
if (userId <= 0 || userId == null)
return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not add user to stream [${streamName}] because their userId is invalid!`);
// Add user's id to the stream's user list
global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Added user [${userId}] to stream ${streamName}`);
removeUserFromStream(streamName, userId) {
// Make sure this isn't an invalid user
if (userId == -1 || userId == null) return;
// Make sure the stream we are attempting to add this user to even exists
if (!this.doesStreamExist(streamName))
return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not remove user from stream [${streamName}] because it does not exist!`);
// Make sure the user isn't already in the stream
if (!this.avaliableStreams[streamName].streamUsers.includes(userId))
return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not remove user from stream [${streamName}] because they are not in it!`);
// Make sure this isn't an invalid user (userId can't be lower than 1)
if (userId <= 0 || userId == null)
return global.consoleHelper.printBancho(`Did not remove user from stream [${streamName}] because their userId is invalid!`);
try {
// Find index of user to remove
let userCurrentIndex;
@ -87,21 +111,12 @@ module.exports = class {
doesStreamExist(streamName) {
let exist = false;
const streamList = Object.keys(this.avaliableStreams);
for (let i = 0; i < streamList.length; i++) {
if (streamList[i] == streamName) {
exist = true;
return exist;
return this.avaliableStreamKeys.includes(streamName);
getStreams() {
// Return the names of all avaliable streams
return Object.keys(this.avaliableStreams);
return this.avaliableStreamKeys;
isUserInStream(streamName, userId) {
@ -112,6 +127,7 @@ module.exports = class {
removeStream(streamName) {
try {
delete this.avaliableStreams[streamName];
this.avaliableStreamKeys = Object.keys(this.avaliableStreams);
} catch (e) { global.consoleHelper.printError(`Was not able to remove stream [${streamName}]`) }
Add table
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