import Channel from "./objects/Channel"; import Shared from "./objects/Shared"; import { SlotStatus } from "./enums/SlotStatus"; import DataStream from "./objects/DataStream"; import Match from "./objects/Match"; import User from "./objects/User"; import StatusUpdate from "./packets/StatusUpdate"; import UserPresence from "./packets/UserPresence"; import UserPresenceBundle from "./packets/UserPresenceBundle"; import MatchArray from "./objects/MatchArray"; import MatchJoinData from "./interfaces/packetTypes/MatchJoinData"; import MatchData from "./interfaces/packetTypes/MatchData"; import osu from "../osuTyping"; import TourneyMatchSpecialInfo from "./packets/TourneyMatchSpecialInfo"; export default class MultiplayerManager { private readonly shared:Shared; private matches:MatchArray = new MatchArray(); private readonly lobbyStream:DataStream; private readonly lobbyChat:Channel; public constructor(shared:Shared) { this.shared = shared; this.lobbyStream = shared.streams.CreateStream("multiplayer:lobby", false); const channel = this.shared.chatManager.GetChannelByName("#lobby"); if (channel === undefined) { throw "Something has gone horribly wrong, the lobby channel does not exist!"; } this.lobbyChat = channel; } public JoinLobby(user:User) { if (user.inMatch) { user.match?.leaveMatch(user); } this.lobbyChat.Join(user); this.GenerateLobbyListing(user); this.lobbyStream.AddUser(user); } public LeaveLobby(user:User) { this.lobbyStream.RemoveUser(user); } public JoinMatch(user:User, matchData:number | MatchJoinData) { try { let match:Match | undefined; if (typeof(matchData) === "number") { match = this.matches.getById(matchData); } else { match = this.matches.getById(matchData.matchId); } if (!(match instanceof Match)) { throw "MatchIdInvalid"; } if (match.gamePassword !== undefined && typeof(matchData) !== "number") { if (match.gamePassword !== matchData.gamePassword) { throw "IncorrectPassword"; } } let matchFull = true; for (const slot of match.slots) { if (slot.player instanceof User || slot.status === SlotStatus.Locked) { continue; } slot.status = SlotStatus.NotReady slot.player = user; user.match = match; user.matchSlot = slot; matchFull = false; break; } if (matchFull) { throw "MatchFull"; } // Inform users in the match that somebody has joined match.sendMatchUpdate(); match.matchStream.AddUser(user); match.matchChatChannel.Join(user); const osuPacketWriter = osu.Bancho.Writer(); osuPacketWriter.MatchJoinSuccess(match.serialiseMatch()); user.addActionToQueue(osuPacketWriter.toBuffer); this.UpdateLobbyListing(); } catch (e) { const osuPacketWriter = osu.Bancho.Writer(); osuPacketWriter.MatchJoinFail(); user.addActionToQueue(osuPacketWriter.toBuffer); this.GenerateLobbyListing(user); } } public UpdateLobbyListing() { this.lobbyStream.Send(this.GenerateLobbyListing()); } public GenerateLobbyListing(user?:User) : Buffer { const osuPacketWriter = osu.Bancho.Writer(); let bufferToSend = UserPresenceBundle(this.shared); for (const match of this.matches.getIterableItems()) { for (const slot of match.slots) { if (!(slot.player instanceof User) || slot.status === SlotStatus.Locked) { continue; } const presenceBuffer = UserPresence(this.shared,; const statusBuffer = StatusUpdate(this.shared,; if (presenceBuffer === undefined || statusBuffer === undefined) { continue; } bufferToSend = Buffer.concat([bufferToSend, presenceBuffer, statusBuffer], bufferToSend.length + presenceBuffer.length + statusBuffer.length); } osuPacketWriter.MatchNew(match.serialiseMatch()); } const osuBuffer = osuPacketWriter.toBuffer; bufferToSend = Buffer.concat([bufferToSend, osuBuffer], bufferToSend.length + osuBuffer.length); if (user instanceof User) { user.addActionToQueue(bufferToSend); } return bufferToSend; } public GetMatchById(id:number) : Match | undefined { return this.matches.getById(id); } public async CreateMatch(user:User, matchData:MatchData) { const match = await Match.createMatch(user, matchData, this.shared); this.matches.add(match.matchId.toString(), match); this.JoinMatch(user, match.matchId); } public async LeaveMatch(user:User) { if (user.match instanceof Match) { user.match.leaveMatch(user); let usersInMatch = false; for (const slot of user.match.slots) { if (slot.player !== undefined) { usersInMatch = true; break; } } if (!usersInMatch) { this.matches.remove(user.match.matchId.toString()); } this.UpdateLobbyListing(); } } }