import { ConsoleHelper } from "./ConsoleHelper"; import { readFileSync, existsSync } from "fs"; if (!existsSync("./config.json")) { ConsoleHelper.printError("Config file missing!"); ConsoleHelper.printError("Check the GitHub for an example or create one with the example you have."); process.exit(1); } import ChatHistory from "./server/ChatHistory"; import Config from "./server/interfaces/Config"; import HandleRequest from "./server/BanchoServer"; import { Registry, collectDefaultMetrics } from "prom-client"; import http from "http"; const config:Config = JSON.parse(readFileSync(__dirname + "/config.json").toString()) as Config; if (config["prometheus"]["enabled"]) { const register:Registry = new Registry(); register.setDefaultLabels({ app: "nodejs_binato" }); collectDefaultMetrics({ register }); const prometheusServer = http.createServer(async (req, res) => { if (req.method === "GET") { res.end(await register.metrics()); } }); prometheusServer.listen(config["prometheus"]["port"], () => ConsoleHelper.printInfo(`Prometheus metrics listening at port ${config["prometheus"]["port"]}`)); } else { ConsoleHelper.printWarn("Prometheus is disabled!"); } const INDEX_PAGE:string = readFileSync("./web/serverPage.html").toString(); const binatoServer = http.createServer((req, res) => { let packet:Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); req.on("data", (chunk:Buffer) => packet = Buffer.concat([packet, chunk], packet.length + chunk.length)); req.on("end", () => { switch (req.method) { case "GET": if (req.url == "/" || req.url == "/index.html" || req.url == "/index") { res.end(INDEX_PAGE); } else if (req.url == "/chat") { // I don't think this works?? res.end(ChatHistory.GenerateForWeb()); } break; case "POST": HandleRequest(req, res, packet); break; default: res.writeHead(405); res.end("Method not allowed"); break; } }); }); binatoServer.listen(config.http.port, () => ConsoleHelper.printInfo(`Binato is up! Listening at port ${config.http.port}`));