import { ConsoleHelper } from "../../ConsoleHelper"; import Constants from "../../Constants"; import DataStreamArray from "./DataStreamArray"; import User from "./User"; import UserArray from "./UserArray"; import { hexlify } from "../Util"; type DeleteFunction = (dataStream:DataStream) => void; export default class DataStream { private users:UserArray = new UserArray(); public readonly name:string; private readonly parent:DataStreamArray; private readonly removeWhenEmpty:boolean; private inactive:boolean = false; public onDelete?:DeleteFunction; public constructor(name:string, parent:DataStreamArray, removeWhenEmpty:boolean) { = name; this.parent = parent; this.removeWhenEmpty = removeWhenEmpty; } public get IsActive() : boolean { return this.inactive; } private checkInactive() { if (this.inactive) { throw `Stream ${} is inactive (deleted) and cannot be used here.`; } } public get userCount() : number { return this.users.getLength(); } public HasUser(user:User) : boolean { return this.users.getByKey(user.uuid) !== undefined; } public AddUser(user:User) : void { this.checkInactive(); if (!(user.uuid in this.users.getItems())) { this.users.add(user.uuid, user); ConsoleHelper.printStream(`Added [${user.username}] to stream [${}]`); } } public RemoveUser(user:User) : void { this.checkInactive(); if (user.uuid in this.users.getItems()) { this.users.remove(user.uuid); ConsoleHelper.printStream(`Removed [${user.username}] from stream [${}]`); } if (this.removeWhenEmpty && this.users.getLength() === 0) { this.Delete(); } } public Delete() { if (typeof(this.onDelete) === "function") { this.onDelete(this); } this.parent.DeleteStream(this); } public Deactivate() { this.inactive = true; } public Send(data:Buffer) { this.checkInactive(); for (const user of this.users.getIterableItems()) { user.addActionToQueue(data); } if (Constants.DEBUG) { ConsoleHelper.printStream(`Sent Buffer<${hexlify(data)}> to all users in stream [${}]`); } } public SendWithExclusion(data:Buffer, exclude:User) { this.checkInactive(); for (const user of this.users.getIterableItems()) { if (user.uuid !== exclude.uuid) { user.addActionToQueue(data); } } if (Constants.DEBUG) { ConsoleHelper.printStream(`Sent Buffer<${hexlify(data)}> to all users in stream [${}] excluding user [${exclude.username}]`); } } }