update EUS to support the new Revolution node module checks and auto installer
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 72 additions and 60 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
const fs = require("fs"),
config = require("../config/config.json"),
chalk = require("chalk"),
busboy = require("connect-busboy"),
randomstring = require("randomstring"),
diskUsage = require("diskusage"),
streamMeter = require("stream-meter"),
mysql = require("mysql"),
emoji = require("../misc/emoji_list.json");
const fs = require("fs"), config = require("../config/config.json"), emoji = require("../misc/emoji_list.json");
// Defines the function of this module
const MODULE_FUNCTION = "handle_requests",
@ -14,19 +6,17 @@ const MODULE_FUNCTION = "handle_requests",
// Base path for module folder creation and navigation
console.log("[EUS] Loading EUS...");
// This will never change
const diskRunningOnSize = diskUsage.checkSync(__dirname).total;
let node_modules = {};
let eusConfig = {},
useUploadKey = true,
cacheJSON = "",
startupFinished = false;
startupFinished = false,
diskRunningOnSize = 0;
class Database {
constructor(databaseAddress, databasePort = 3306, databaseUsername, databasePassword, databaseName, connectedCallback) {
this.connectionPool = mysql.createPool({
this.connectionPool = node_modules.mysql.createPool({
connectionLimit: 128,
host: databaseAddress,
port: databasePort,
@ -79,40 +69,58 @@ class Database {
// Only ran on startup so using sync functions is fine
// Makes the folder for files of the module
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH)) {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH);
console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS module folder`);
// Makes the folder for frontend files
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files")) {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files");
console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS web files folder`);
// Makes the folder for images
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i")) {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i");
console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS images folder`);
function init() {
// Require node modules
node_modules["chalk"] = require("chalk");
node_modules["busboy"] = require("connect-busboy");
node_modules["randomstring"] = require("randomstring");
node_modules["diskUsage"] = require("diskusage");
node_modules["streamMeter"] = require("stream-meter");
node_modules["mysql"] = require("mysql");
// Makes the config file
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/config.json")) {
// Config doesn't exist, make it.
fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/config.json`, '{\n\t"baseURL":"http://example.com/",\n\t"acceptedTypes": [\n\t\t".png",\n\t\t".jpg",\n\t\t".jpeg",\n\t\t".gif"\n\t],\n\t"uploadKey": "",\n\t"database": {\n\t\t"databaseAddress": "",\n\t\t"databasePort": 3306,\n\t\t"databaseUsername": "root",\n\t\t"databasePassword": "password",\n\t\t"databaseName": "EUS"\n\t}\n}');
console.log("[EUS] Made EUS config File!");
console.log("[EUS] Please edit the EUS Config file before restarting.");
// Config has been made, close framework.
} else {
eusConfig = require(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/config.json`);
if (validateConfig(eusConfig)) console.log("[EUS] EUS config passed all checks");
// Only ran on startup so using sync functions is fine
const dbConnection = new Database(eusConfig["database"]["databaseAddress"], eusConfig["database"]["databasePort"], eusConfig["database"]["databaseUsername"], eusConfig["database"]["databasePassword"], eusConfig["database"]["databaseName"], async () => {
cacheJSON = JSON.stringify(await cacheFilesAndSpace());
cacheIsReady = true;
// Fetch total size of disk on startup, this will never change during runtime
// if it does something seriously wrong has happened.
diskRunningOnSize = node_modules.diskUsage.checkSync(__dirname).total;
// Makes the folder for files of the module
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH)) {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH);
console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS module folder`);
// Makes the folder for frontend files
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files")) {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files");
console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS web files folder`);
// Makes the folder for images
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i")) {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i");
console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS images folder`);
// Makes the config file
if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/config.json")) {
// Config doesn't exist, make it.
fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/config.json`, '{\n\t"baseURL":"http://example.com/",\n\t"acceptedTypes": [\n\t\t".png",\n\t\t".jpg",\n\t\t".jpeg",\n\t\t".gif"\n\t],\n\t"uploadKey": "",\n\t"database": {\n\t\t"databaseAddress": "",\n\t\t"databasePort": 3306,\n\t\t"databaseUsername": "root",\n\t\t"databasePassword": "password",\n\t\t"databaseName": "EUS"\n\t}\n}');
console.log("[EUS] Made EUS config File!");
console.log("[EUS] Please edit the EUS Config file before restarting.");
// Config has been made, close framework.
} else {
eusConfig = require(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/config.json`);
if (validateConfig(eusConfig)) console.log("[EUS] EUS config passed all checks");
// This is using a callback but that's fine, the server will just react properly to the db not being ready yet.
const dbConnection = new Database(eusConfig["database"]["databaseAddress"], eusConfig["database"]["databasePort"], eusConfig["database"]["databaseUsername"], eusConfig["database"]["databasePassword"], eusConfig["database"]["databaseName"], async () => {
cacheJSON = JSON.stringify(await cacheFilesAndSpace());
cacheIsReady = true;
console.log("[EUS] Finished loading.");
// Cache for the file count and space usage, this takes a while to do so it's best to cache the result
let cacheIsReady = false;
@ -237,11 +245,11 @@ function regularFile(req, res, urs = "", startTime = 0) {
if (error) {
// Doesn't exist, send a 404 to the client.
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.cross, `${req.method}: ${chalk.red("[404]")} ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.cross, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.red("[404]")} ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
} else {
// File does exist, send it back to the client.
res.sendFile(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files"+req.url);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
@ -251,9 +259,10 @@ function error404Page(res) {
module.exports = {
init: init,
extras:async function() {
// Setup express to use busboy
startupFinished = true;
//cacheJSON = JSON.stringify(await cacheFilesAndSpace());
//cacheIsReady = true;
@ -295,7 +304,7 @@ module.exports = {
// There's an entry in the DB for this, send the file back.
if (dbEntry != null) {
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} (ImageReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} (ImageReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
// There's no entry, so treat this as a regular file.
else regularFile(req, res, urs, startTime);
@ -327,7 +336,7 @@ module.exports = {
req.busboy.on('file', function (fieldname, file, info) {
// Make a new file name
fileOutName = randomstring.generate(14);
fileOutName = node_modules.randomstring.generate(14);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.fast_up, `${req.method}: Upload of ${fileOutName} started.`);
// Check the file is within the accepted file types
const fileType = info.filename.split(".").slice(-1);
@ -342,7 +351,7 @@ module.exports = {
// Create a write stream for the file
fstream = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i/" + fileOutName + "." + thefe);
// Create meter for tracking the size of the file
const meter = streamMeter();
const meter = node_modules.streamMeter();
fstream.on('close', async () => {
// Add this image to the database
@ -367,7 +376,7 @@ async function handleAPI(req, res) {
// Status check to see the online status of EUS
// Used by ESL to make sure EUS is online
case "/api/get-server-status":
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
return res.end('{"status":1,"version":"'+global.internals.version+'"}');
/* Stats api endpoint
@ -384,34 +393,34 @@ async function handleAPI(req, res) {
if (filesaa == 1) {
// If getting the space used on the server isn't required send the json
if (spaceaa != 1) {
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
delete jsonaa["space"];
return res.end(JSON.stringify(jsonaa));
// Getting space is required
if (spaceaa == 1) {
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
if (filesaa != 1) delete jsonaa["files"];
return res.end(JSON.stringify(jsonaa));
if (filesaa != 1 && spaceaa != 1) {
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
return res.end("Please add f and or s to your queries to get the files and space");
// Information API
case "/api/get-info":
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
return res.end(JSON.stringify({
version: global.internals.version,
instance: config["server"]["instance_type"]
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${node_modules.chalk.green("[200]")} (APIReq) ${req.url} ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
return res.send(`
<h2>All currently avaliable api endpoints</h2>
<a href="/api/get-server-status">/api/get-server-status</a>
@ -440,4 +449,7 @@ async function spaceToLowest(spaceValue, includeStringValue) {
module.exports.MOD_FUNC = MODULE_FUNCTION;
console.log("[EUS] Finished loading");
module.exports.REQUIRED_NODE_MODULES = [
"chalk", "connect-busboy", "randomstring",
"diskusage", "stream-meter", "mysql"
Add table
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