const fs = require("fs"), config = require("../config/config.json"), chalk = require("chalk"), busboy = require("connect-busboy"), randomstring = require("randomstring"), emoji = require("../misc/emoji_list.json"); // Defines the function of this module const MODULE_FUNCTION = "handle_requests", // Base path for module folder creation and navigation BASE_PATH = "/EUS"; let eusConfig = {}, image_json = {}, d = new Date(), startTime, endTime; // Only ran on startup so using sync functions is fine // Makes the folder for files of the module if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH)) { fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH); console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS module folder`); } // Makes the folder for frontend files if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files")) { fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files"); console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS web files folder`); } // Makes the folder for images if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i")) { fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i"); console.log(`[EUS] Made EUS images folder`); } // Makes the image-type file fs.access(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/image-type.json`, error => { if (error) { // Doesn't exist, create it. fs.writeFile(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/image-type.json`, '{\n\}', function(err) { if (err) throw err; global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, "Created image-type File!"); // File has been created, load it. image_json = require(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/image-type.json`); }); } else { // File already exists, load it. image_json = require(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/image-type.json`); } }); // Makes the config file fs.access(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/config.json`, error => { if (error) { // Config doesn't exist, make it. fs.writeFile(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/config.json`, '{\n\t"baseURL":"",\n\t"acceptedTypes": [\n\t\t".png",\n\t\t".jpg",\n\t\t".jpeg",\n\t\t".gif"\n\t]\n}', function(err) { if (err) throw err; global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, "Created config File!"); global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.wave, "Please edit the EUS Config file before restarting."); // Config has been made, close framework. process.exit(0); }); } else { eusConfig = require(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/image-type.json`); } }); // Construct the full exported url from the config string and port using javascript magic const exportURL = `${eusConfig.baseURL}:${config.server.port}/`; module.exports = { extras:function() { // Setup express to use busboy; }, get:function(req, res) { /* req - Request from client res - Response from server */ if (req.query["stat"] == "get") return res.end('{ "status":1, "version":"'+global.internals.version+'" }'); // Register the time at the start of the request d = new Date(); startTime = d.getTime(); // Get the requested image let urs = ""+req.url; urs = urs.split("/")[1]; // Get the file type of the image from image_json and make sure it exists fs.access(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i/"+urs+image_json[urs], error => { if (error) { // Doesn't exist, handle request normaly if (req.url === "/") { urs = "/index.html" } else { urs = req.url }; fs.access(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files"+urs, error => { if (error) { // Doesn't exist, send a 404 to the client. res.status(404).end("404!"); d = new Date(); endTime = d.getTime(); global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.cross, `${req.method}: ${"[404]")} ${req.url} ${endTime - startTime}ms`); } else { // File does exist, send it back to the client. res.sendFile(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/files"+req.url); d = new Date(); endTime = d.getTime(); global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${"[200]")} ${req.url} ${endTime - startTime}ms`); } }); } else { // Image does exist, send it back. res.sendFile(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i/"+urs+image_json[urs]); d = new Date(); endTime = d.getTime(); global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: ${"[200]")} ${req.url} ${endTime - startTime}ms`); } }); }, post:function(req, res) { /* req - Request from client res - Response from server */ // Make sure the endpoint is /upload // If it isn't upload send an empty response if (req.url != "/upload") return req.end(""); // Get time at the start of upload d = new Date(); startTime = d.getTime(); var fstream; var thefe; // Pipe the request to busboy req.pipe(req.busboy); req.busboy.on('file', function (fieldname, file, filename) { // Get the image-type json image_json = require(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/image-type.json`); // Make a new file name fileOutName = randomstring.generate(14); global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.fast_up, `${req.method}: Upload of ${fileOutName} started.`); // Check the file is within the accepted file types if (eusConfig.acceptedTypes.includes(`.${filename.split(".")[filename.split(".").length-1]}`)) { // File is accepted, set the extention of the file in thefe for later use. thefe = `.${filename.split(".")[filename.split(".").length-1]}`; } else { // File isn't accepted, send response back to client stating so. res.end("This file type isn't accepted currently."); return; } // Create a write stream for the file fstream = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/i/" + fileOutName + thefe); file.pipe(fstream); fstream.on('close', function () { // Get the time at the end of the upload d = new Date(); endTime = d.getTime(); // Add image file type to the image_json array image_json[fileOutName] = `.${filename.split(".")[filename.split(".").length-1]}`; // Save image_json array to the file fs.writeFile(`${__dirname}${BASE_PATH}/image-type.json`, JSON.stringify(image_json), function(err) { if (err) throw err; global.modules.consoleHelper.printInfo(emoji.heavy_check, `${req.method}: Upload of ${fileOutName} finished. Took ${endTime - startTime}ms`); // Send URL of the uploaded image to the client res.end(exportURL+""+fileOutName); }); }); }); } } module.exports.MOD_FUNC = MODULE_FUNCTION;