EUS is my public screenshot server
ESL is a status logger for EUS and I didn't notice when we moved from the old PHP version to the new Revolution version that I neglected to include the check for it, so that was missing for months and months. Also that index fix is that req.url returns a "/" when you go to index but has no file in the url. Express understands it but fs.access let it through so Express was printing an error to the console which looked a bit ugly and was a bug so I fixed it here too. |
EUS.js | || | || |
readme soon™
EUS has extra dependancies other than Revolution's base, of which include:
Install the dependancies and then simply drop the EUS.js into a Revolution instance's modules folder
(If you still have "example_request_handler.js" be sure to delete it!)
If this is running at a URL then you can define the url to build from in the config with baseURL. Just don't put a / at the end!
If you want to expand the files that the server allows to be sent to it this can be done in the allowedTypes array