const fs = require("fs"); module.exports = { handle:function(modules, internals, emoji, req, res) { /* modules - Modules that are loaded when Revolution starts internals - Predefined variables, e.g the version and lables like "INFO" emoji - Pretty self explanitory, the list of emojis used in Revolution. req - Request from client res - Response from server */ res.set("Server-Type", "Revolution"); if (req.url == "/") { modules.logger.log(`${internals.types.b}: ${req.method}`,, `${req.url} was requested`); res.end(); // Send a blank response, this can be changed to make it do whatever. } else { fs.access(__dirname + req.url, fs.constants.F_OK | fs.constants.W_OK, (err) => { if (err) { modules.logger.log(`${internals.types.b}: ${req.method}`,, `${req.url} was requested - Returned 404`); res.status(404).send("404!
Revolution"); } else { modules.logger.log(`${internals.types.b}: ${req.method}`,, `${req.url} was requested`); res.sendFile(__dirname + req.url); } }); } } }