const chalk = require("chalk"), fs = require("fs"); // Defines the function of this module const MODULE_FUNCTION = "handle_console", // Base path for module folder creation and navigation BASE_PATH = "/consoleHelper"; // Only ran on startup so using sync functions is fine // Makes the folders for files of the module if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH)) { fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH); console.log(`[consoleHelper] Made consoleHelper module folder`); } // Creates the consoleHelper config file if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/config.json")) { fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/config.json", JSON.stringify({"24hour":true})); console.log(`[consoleHelper] Made consoleHelper config file`); } // Load in config const config = require(__dirname + BASE_PATH + "/config.json"); module.exports = { // Prints a bit of information to the console printInfo:function(emoji, s) { console.log(`[${this.getTime24()}] `)+chalk.bgGreen(" INFO "))+` ${emoji} ${s}`); }, // Prints a warning to the console printWarn:function(emoji, s) { console.warn(`[${this.getTime24()}] `)+chalk.bgYellow(" WARN "))+` ${emoji} ${s}`); }, // Prints an error to the console printError:function(emoji, s) { console.error(`[${this.getTime24()}] `)+chalk.bgRed(" ERROR "))+` ${emoji} ${s}`); }, getTime24:function() { const time = new Date(); // Check if the user wants 24 hour or 12 hour time if (config["24hour"]) { // User wants 24 hour time, leave it as it is. return `${correctValue(time.getHours())}:${correctValue(time.getMinutes())}:${correctValue(time.getSeconds())}`; } else { // User wants 12 hour time, process it for that. return this.t2412(`${correctValue(time.getHours())}:${correctValue(time.getMinutes())}:${correctValue(time.getSeconds())}`); } }, // Function for converting 24 hour to 12 hour time t2412:function(inp) { // Check what time it is, AM or PM. if (parseInt(inp.split(":")[0]) > 11) { // It's over 11 so it's PM const i = inp.split(":"); let i1 = parseInt(i[0]) - 12; if (i1 == 0) i1 = 12; return i1 + ":" + i[1] + " PM"; } else { // It's lower than 12 so it's AM const i = inp.split(":"); let i1 = parseInt(i[0]); if (i1 == 0) i1 = 12; return i1 + ":" + i[1] + " AM"; } } } module.exports.MOD_FUNC = MODULE_FUNCTION; // Date returns numbers without a 0 in front of them of course so this adds them. function correctValue(i) { if (i < 10) { return "0"+i; } else { return i; } }