// fileSmasher ~.~ // for when you're just too lazy to // do it properly. import { readdirSync, lstatSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs"; const tsFileData:Array = new Array(); // Github Actions forced my hand const toolinglessFolderPath = __dirname.replace("/tooling", "/"); function readDir(nam:string) { const files = readdirSync(nam); for (const file of files) { if (nam == toolinglessFolderPath && (file.startsWith(".") || file == "tooling" || file == "lib" || file == "web" || file == "node_modules" || file == "combined.ts")) { continue; } if (lstatSync(`${nam}/${file}`).isDirectory()) { readDir(`${nam}/${file}`); } else if (file.endsWith(".ts")) { tsFileData.push(readFileSync((`${nam}/${file}`).replace("//", "/")).toString()); } } } readDir(toolinglessFolderPath); const combinedFiles = tsFileData.join("\n"); const splitLines = combinedFiles.split("\n"); const resultLines:Array = new Array(); const unExport = [ "class:ReaderBase", "class:ReaderLE", "class:ReaderBE", "class:WriterBase", "class:WriterLE", "class:WriterBE", ]; function checkForMatchAndReplace(s:string) { for (const tUExp of unExport) { const spl = tUExp.split(":"); const type = spl[0]; if (s.startsWith(`export ${type} ${spl[1]}`)) { return s.replace(`export ${type} ${spl[1]}`, `${type} ${spl[1]}`); } } return s; } // Let's process the file to make it usable for (const line of splitLines) { // Throw away imports as they aren't needed // TODO: Add allow list for npm module imports if (line.startsWith("import")) { continue; } // Fix up classes, interfaces and such. resultLines.push(checkForMatchAndReplace(line)); } writeFileSync("./combined.ts", resultLines.join("\n"));