import { Block } from "../blocks/Block"; import { Chunk } from "../Chunk"; import { IGenerator } from "./IGenerator"; import { Noise2D, makeNoise2D } from "../../external/OpenSimplex2D"; import { Noise3D, makeNoise3D } from "../../external/OpenSimplex3D"; import { QueuedBlockUpdate } from "../queuedUpdateTypes/BlockUpdate"; import mulberry32 from "../mulberry32"; export class HillyGenerator implements IGenerator { private seed:number; seedGenerator:() => number; private generator:Noise2D; private generator1:Noise2D; private generator2:Noise2D; private generator3:Noise2D; private generator4:Noise2D; private generator5:Noise2D; private generator6:Noise2D; private oceanGenerator:Noise2D; private hillGenerator:Noise2D; private caveGenerator1:Noise3D; private caveGenerator2:Noise3D; private caveGenerator3:Noise3D; private caveGenerator4:Noise3D; private underwaterGravelGenerator:Noise2D; private underwaterSandGenerator:Noise2D; private underwaterClayGenerator:Noise2D; private flowerGenerator:Noise2D; public constructor(seed:number) { this.seed = seed; this.seedGenerator = mulberry32(this.seed); this.generator = this.createGenerator2D(); this.generator1 = this.createGenerator2D(); this.generator2 = this.createGenerator2D(); this.generator3 = this.createGenerator2D(); this.generator4 = this.createGenerator2D(); this.generator5 = this.createGenerator2D(); this.generator6 = this.createGenerator2D(); this.oceanGenerator = this.createGenerator2D(); this.hillGenerator = this.createGenerator2D(); this.caveGenerator1 = this.createGenerator3D(); this.caveGenerator2 = this.createGenerator3D(); this.caveGenerator3 = this.createGenerator3D(); this.caveGenerator4 = this.createGenerator3D(); this.underwaterGravelGenerator = this.createGenerator2D(); this.underwaterSandGenerator = this.createGenerator2D(); this.underwaterClayGenerator = this.createGenerator2D(); this.flowerGenerator = this.createGenerator2D(); } private createGenerator2D() { return makeNoise2D(this.seedGenerator() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); } private createGenerator3D() { return makeNoise3D(this.seedGenerator() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); } // This is soooo much faster than using Math.round in here private fastRound(num:number) { return num >= 0.5 ? (num | 0) + 1 : num | 0; } public generate(chunk:Chunk) { const treeRNG = mulberry32(this.seed + chunk.x + chunk.z); const grassRNG = mulberry32(this.seed + chunk.x + chunk.z); const flowerRNG = mulberry32(this.seed + chunk.x + chunk.z); let colY = 0, colDirtMin = 0, colWaterY = 0, orgColY = 0; for (let x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (let z = 0; z < 16; z++) { const oceanValue = this.oceanGenerator((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 128, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 128) * 100; orgColY = colWaterY = colY = 60 + this.fastRound(( this.generator((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16) * 16 + this.generator1((chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16, (chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16) * 16 + this.generator2((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 8, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 8) * 8 + this.generator3((chunk.z * 16 + z) / 4, (chunk.x * 16 + x) / 4) * 4 + this.generator4((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 4, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 4) * 4 + this.generator5((chunk.z * 16 + z) / 10, (chunk.x * 16 + x) / 10) * 10 + this.generator6((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16) * 16 + oceanValue + (Math.max(this.hillGenerator((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 128, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 128), 0) * 50 + Math.min(oceanValue, 0)) ) / 9); colDirtMin = colY - 2; const sandNoise = this.underwaterSandGenerator((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16); if (colY <= 60 && sandNoise > 0.5) { chunk.setBlock(Block.sand.blockId, x, colY, z); } else { chunk.setBlock(Block.grass.blockId, x, colY, z); } let caveY = colY + 1; while (colY-- > 0) { if (colY >= colDirtMin) { chunk.setBlock(Block.dirt.blockId, x, colY, z); } else if (colY === 0) { chunk.setBlock(Block.bedrock.blockId, x, colY, z); } else { chunk.setBlock(Block.stone.blockId, x, colY, z); } } // Generate underwater blocks if (colWaterY <= 58) { if (this.underwaterGravelGenerator((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16) > 0.3) { chunk.setBlock(Block.gravel.blockId, x, colWaterY, z); } else if (sandNoise > 0.4) { chunk.setBlock(Block.sand.blockId, x, colWaterY, z); } else if (this.underwaterClayGenerator((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16) > 0.5) { chunk.setBlock(Block.clay.blockId, x, colWaterY, z); } else { chunk.setBlock(Block.dirt.blockId, x, colWaterY, z); } } while (colWaterY <= 58) { colWaterY++; chunk.setBlock(Block.waterStill.blockId, x, colWaterY, z); } while (caveY-- > 1) { if ( ((this.caveGenerator1((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, caveY / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16) + this.caveGenerator2((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 8, caveY / 8, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 8)) / 2) > 0.45 || this.caveGenerator3((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, caveY / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16) > 0.6 || this.caveGenerator4((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 8, caveY / 8, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 8) > 0.6 ) { if (caveY <= 3) { chunk.setBlock(Block.lavaStill.blockId, x, caveY, z); } else { chunk.setBlock(0, x, caveY, z); } } } const queuedChunkBlocks =; if (queuedChunkBlocks.length > 0) { const thisCoordPair = Chunk.CreateCoordPair(chunk.x, chunk.z); for (let i = queuedChunkBlocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const blockUpdate = queuedChunkBlocks[i]; if (blockUpdate instanceof QueuedBlockUpdate && blockUpdate.coordPair === thisCoordPair) { queuedChunkBlocks.splice(i, 1); chunk.setBlockWithMetadata(blockUpdate.blockId, blockUpdate.metadata, blockUpdate.x, blockUpdate.y, blockUpdate.z); } } } // Grass and flowers if (chunk.getBlockId(x, orgColY, z) === Block.grass.blockId) { if (grassRNG() > 0.9) { chunk.setBlockWithMetadata(Block.tallGrass.blockId, 1, x, orgColY + 1, z); } else if (this.flowerGenerator((chunk.x * 16 + x) / 16, (chunk.z * 16 + z) / 16) > 0.5 && flowerRNG() > 0.9) { if (flowerRNG() > 0.4) { chunk.setBlockWithMetadata(Block.flowerRose.blockId, 1, x, orgColY + 1, z); } else { chunk.setBlockWithMetadata(Block.flowerDandelion.blockId, 1, x, orgColY + 1, z); } } } // TODO: Move trees to it's own generator if (chunk.getBlockId(x, orgColY + 1, z) !== Block.waterStill.blockId && chunk.getBlockId(x, orgColY, z) === Block.grass.blockId && treeRNG() > 0.995) { const treeType = treeRNG() >= 0.5; chunk.setBlock(Block.dirt.blockId, x, orgColY, z); let tYT = 0, tY = tYT = orgColY + 4 + this.fastRound(treeRNG() - 0.2), tLY = 0; while (tY > orgColY) { chunk.setBlockWithMetadata(Block.wood.blockId, treeType ? 2 : 0, x, tY, z); if (tLY !== 0 && tLY < 3) { for (let tX = -2; tX <= 2; tX++) { for (let tZ = -2; tZ <= 2; tZ++) { if (tX === 0 && tZ === 0) { continue; } chunk.setBlockWithMetadata(Block.leaves.blockId, treeType ? 2 : 0, x + tX, tY, z + tZ); } } } tY--; tLY++; } tY = 0; while (tY < 2) { for (let tX = -1; tX < 2; tX++) { for (let tZ = -1; tZ < 2; tZ++) { if (tX === 0 && tZ === 0 && tY !== 1) { continue; } chunk.setBlockWithMetadata(Block.leaves.blockId, treeType ? 2 : 0, x + tX, tYT + tY, z + tZ); } } tY++; } } } } } }