import { Endian, IReader, IWriter, createWriter } from "bufferstuff"; import AABB from "../AABB"; import { Chunk } from "../Chunk"; import { MetadataEntry, MetadataWriter } from "../MetadataWriter"; import { Rotation } from "../Rotation"; import { Vec2 } from "../Vec2"; import Vec3 from "../Vec3"; import { World } from "../World"; import { Block } from "../blocks/Block"; import { MetadataFieldType } from "../enums/MetadataFieldType"; import { PacketEntityLook } from "../packets/EntityLook"; import { PacketEntityLookRelativeMove } from "../packets/EntityLookRelativeMove"; import { PacketEntityMetadata } from "../packets/EntityMetadata"; import { PacketEntityRelativeMove } from "../packets/EntityRelativeMove"; import { PacketEntityTeleport } from "../packets/EntityTeleport"; import { PacketEntityVelocity } from "../packets/EntityVelocity"; import { IEntity } from "./IEntity"; export class Entity implements IEntity { public static nextEntityId:number = 0; public entityId:number; public entitySize:Vec2; public world:World; public position:Vec3; public lastPosition:Vec3; public absPosition:Vec3; public lastAbsPosition:Vec3; public motion:Vec3; private positionBeforeMove:Vec3; public rotation:Rotation; public lastRotation:Rotation; public absRotation:Rotation; public lastAbsRotation:Rotation; public health:number; public wasHurt:boolean; public isDead:boolean; public fire:number; public fallDistance:number; public onGround:boolean; public chunk:Chunk; public crouching:boolean; private lastCrouchState:boolean; private lastFireState:boolean; public entityAABB:AABB; public readonly isPlayer:boolean; private queuedChunkUpdate:boolean; public constructor(world:World, isPlayer:boolean = false) { this.entityId = Entity.nextEntityId++; this.isPlayer = isPlayer; this.entitySize = new Vec2(0.6, 1.8); this.entityAABB = new AABB(-this.entitySize.x / 2, 0, -this.entitySize.x / 2, this.entitySize.x / 2, this.entitySize.y, this.entitySize.x / 2); = this.fallDistance = 0; this.onGround = false; = world; this.position = new Vec3(); this.lastPosition = new Vec3(); this.absPosition = new Vec3(); this.lastAbsPosition = new Vec3(); this.motion = new Vec3(); this.positionBeforeMove = new Vec3(); this.rotation = new Rotation(); this.lastRotation = new Rotation(); this.absRotation = new Rotation(); this.lastAbsRotation = new Rotation(); this.crouching = this.lastCrouchState = this.lastFireState = this.queuedChunkUpdate = false; this.chunk = world.getChunk(this.position.x >> 4, this.position.z >> 4); = 20; this.wasHurt = false; this.isDead = false; } public fromSave(reader:IReader) { this.position.set(reader.readDouble(), reader.readDouble(), reader.readDouble()); this.motion.set(reader.readFloat(), reader.readFloat(), reader.readFloat()); this.rotation.set(reader.readFloat(), reader.readFloat()); = reader.readShort(); this.fallDistance = reader.readFloat(); = reader.readByte(); } public toSave(writer:IWriter) { writer.writeDouble(this.position.x).writeDouble(this.position.y).writeDouble(this.position.z) // Position .writeFloat(this.motion.x).writeFloat(this.motion.y).writeFloat(this.motion.z) // Motion .writeFloat(this.rotation.x).writeFloat(this.rotation.y) // Rotation .writeShort( .writeFloat(this.fallDistance) .writeByte(; } sendToNearby(buffer:Buffer) {, buffer); } sendToAllNearby(buffer:Buffer) {, buffer); } updateMetadata() { const crouchStateChanged = this.crouching !== this.lastCrouchState; const fireStateChanged = > 0 !== this.lastFireState; if (crouchStateChanged || fireStateChanged) { const metadata = new MetadataWriter(); // Flags: // 1 = On Fire // 2 = Player crouched // 4 = Player on mount? metadata.addMetadataEntry(0, new MetadataEntry(MetadataFieldType.Byte, Number( > 0) + Number(this.crouching) * 2)); this.sendToNearby(new PacketEntityMetadata(this.entityId, metadata.writeBuffer()).writeData()); this.lastCrouchState = this.crouching; this.lastFireState = > 0; } } distanceTo(entity:IEntity) { const dX = entity.position.x - this.position.x, dY = entity.position.y - this.position.y, dZ = entity.position.z - this.position.z; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dX, 2) + Math.pow(dY, 2) + Math.pow(dZ, 2)); } damageFrom(damage:number, entity?:IEntity) { if ( <= 0) { return; } if (entity === undefined) { -= damage; } this.wasHurt = true; } updateEntityChunk() { const bitX = this.position.x >> 4; const bitZ = this.position.z >> 4; if (bitX != this.lastPosition.x >> 4 || bitZ != this.lastPosition.z >> 4 || this.queuedChunkUpdate) { if (, bitZ)) { this.chunk =, bitZ); this.queuedChunkUpdate = false; } else { this.queuedChunkUpdate = true; } } } private constrainRot(rot:number) { return Math.min(Math.max(rot, -128), 127); } private sendPositionUpdate() { this.absPosition.set(Math.floor(this.position.x * 32), Math.floor(this.position.y * 32), Math.floor(this.position.z * 32)); // This code *does* work, and it works well. But this is absolutely TERRIBLE! // There is definitely a better way to do this. this.absRotation.set( this.constrainRot(Math.floor(((this.rotation.yaw - 180 >= 0 ? this.rotation.yaw - 180 : (this.rotation.yaw - 180) % 360 + 360) % 360 / 360) * 256) - 128), // Yaw this.constrainRot(Math.floor((this.rotation.pitch % 360 * 256) / 360)) // Pitch ); const diffX = this.absPosition.x - this.lastAbsPosition.x; const diffY = this.absPosition.y - this.lastAbsPosition.y; const diffZ = this.absPosition.z - this.lastAbsPosition.z; const diffYaw = this.absRotation.yaw - this.lastAbsRotation.yaw; const diffPitch = this.absRotation.pitch - this.lastAbsRotation.pitch; const doRelativeMove = Math.abs(diffX) >= 4 || Math.abs(diffY) >= 4 || Math.abs(diffZ) >= 4; const doLook = Math.abs(diffYaw) >= 4 || Math.abs(diffPitch) >= 4; if (Math.abs(diffX) > 128 || Math.abs(diffY) > 128 || Math.abs(diffZ) > 128) { this.sendToNearby(new PacketEntityTeleport(this.entityId, this.absPosition.x, this.absPosition.y, this.absPosition.z, this.absRotation.yaw, this.absRotation.pitch).writeData()); } else if (doRelativeMove && doLook) { this.sendToNearby(new PacketEntityLookRelativeMove(this.entityId, diffX, diffY, diffZ, this.absRotation.yaw, this.absRotation.pitch).writeData()); } else if (doRelativeMove) { this.sendToNearby(new PacketEntityRelativeMove(this.entityId, diffX, diffY, diffZ).writeData()); } else if (doLook) { this.sendToNearby(new PacketEntityLook(this.entityId, this.absRotation.yaw, this.absRotation.pitch).writeData()); } if (!this.motion.isZero) { this.sendToNearby(new PacketEntityVelocity(this.entityId, this.motion.x, this.motion.y, this.motion.z).writeData()); } if (doRelativeMove) { this.lastAbsPosition.set(this.absPosition); } if (doLook) { this.lastAbsRotation.set(this.absRotation); } } fall(distance:number) { // TODO: Entity falling mount transfer } updateFalling(distance:number) { if (this.onGround) { if (this.fallDistance > 0) { this.fall(this.fallDistance); this.fallDistance = 0; } } else if (distance < 0) { this.fallDistance -= distance; } } moveEntity(motionX:number, motionY:number, motionZ:number) { this.positionBeforeMove.set(this.position); const blockId = this.chunk.getBlockId(Math.floor(this.positionBeforeMove.x) & 0xf, Math.floor(this.positionBeforeMove.y), Math.floor(this.positionBeforeMove.z) & 0xf); const blockUnderEntity = blockId > 0 ? Block.blocks[blockId] : null; this.position.add(motionX, motionY, motionZ); this.entityAABB.move(this.position); if (blockUnderEntity !== null) { const blockBoundingBox = blockUnderEntity.getBoundingBox(Math.floor(this.positionBeforeMove.x), Math.floor(this.positionBeforeMove.y), Math.floor(this.positionBeforeMove.z)); // TODO: Handle X and Z collisions. if (this.entityAABB.intersects(blockBoundingBox)) { const inersectionY = this.entityAABB.intersectionY(blockBoundingBox); this.position.add( 0, inersectionY, 0 ); this.motion.y = 0; this.onGround = true; } } } onTick() { this.updateMetadata(); this.updateEntityChunk(); this.updateFalling(this.motion.y); if ( > 0) { if ( % 20 === 0) { this.damageFrom(1); }; } if (!this.isDead && <= 0) { this.isDead = true; } if (this.wasHurt) { this.wasHurt = false; } this.sendPositionUpdate(); this.lastPosition.set(this.position); } }