import { Console } from "hsconsole"; import { IReader } from "bufferstuff"; import { MinecraftServer } from "./MinecraftServer"; import { Packet } from "./enums/Packet"; import { PacketAnimation } from "./packets/Animation"; import { PacketChat } from "./packets/Chat" import { PacketEntityAction } from "./packets/EntityAction"; import { PacketPlayer } from "./packets/Player"; import { PacketPlayerPosition } from "./packets/PlayerPosition"; import { PacketPlayerLook } from "./packets/PlayerLook"; import { PacketPlayerPositionLook } from "./packets/PlayerPositionLook"; import { PacketPlayerDigging } from "./packets/PlayerDigging"; import { Player } from "./entities/Player"; import { Socket } from "net"; import { Vec3 } from "./Vec3"; import { PacketRespawn } from "./packets/Respawn"; import { PacketSpawnPosition } from "./packets/SpawnPosition"; import { PacketPlayerBlockPlacement } from "./packets/PlayerBlockPlacement"; import { Inventory } from "./inventories/Inventory"; import { PacketHoldingChange } from "./packets/HoldingChange"; import { PacketDisconnectKick } from "./packets/DisconnectKick"; import { ItemStack } from "./inventories/ItemStack"; import { PacketWindowItems } from "./packets/WindowItems"; import { Block } from "./blocks/Block"; export class MPClient { private readonly mcServer:MinecraftServer; private readonly socket:Socket; public entity:Player; private inventory:Inventory; private dimension:number; private holdingIndex:number = 36; // First hotbar slot. private diggingAt:Vec3; public constructor(mcServer:MinecraftServer, socket:Socket, entity:Player) { this.mcServer = mcServer; this.socket = socket; this.entity = entity; this.inventory = entity.inventory; this.dimension = 0; this.diggingAt = new Vec3(); } private mapCoordsFromFace(pos:Vec3, face:number) { switch (face) { case 0: pos.y--; return pos; case 1: pos.y++; return pos; case 2: pos.z--; return pos; case 3: pos.z++; return pos; case 4: pos.x--; return pos; case 5: pos.x++; return pos; } } public handlePacket(reader:IReader) { const packetId = reader.readUByte(); switch (packetId) { case Packet.Chat: this.handleChat(new PacketChat().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.Respawn: this.handlePacketRespawn(); break; case Packet.Player: this.handlePacketPlayer(new PacketPlayer().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.PlayerPosition: this.handlePacketPlayerPosition(new PacketPlayerPosition().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.PlayerLook: this.handlePacketPlayerLook(new PacketPlayerLook().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.PlayerPositionLook: this.handlePacketPlayerPositionLook(new PacketPlayerPositionLook().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.PlayerDigging: this.handlePacketPlayerDigging(new PacketPlayerDigging().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.PlayerBlockPlacement: this.handlePacketBlockPlacement(new PacketPlayerBlockPlacement().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.HoldingChange: this.handlePacketHoldingChange(new PacketHoldingChange().readData(reader)); break; //case Packets.UseBed: break; case Packet.Animation: this.handlePacketAnimation(new PacketAnimation().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.EntityAction: this.handlePacketEntityAction(new PacketEntityAction().readData(reader)); break; case Packet.DisconnectKick: this.handleDisconnectKick(); break; default: return Console.printWarn(`UNIMPLEMENTED PACKET: ${Packet[packetId]}`); } if (reader.readOffset < reader.length - 1) { this.handlePacket(reader); } } private handleChat(packet:PacketChat) { const message = packet.message.split(" "); if (message[0].startsWith("/")) { packet.message = ""; if (message[0] === "/tp") { const x = this.entity.position.x = parseFloat(message[1]); const y = this.entity.position.y = parseFloat(message[2]); const z = this.entity.position.z = parseFloat(message[3]); this.send(new PacketPlayerPositionLook(x, y, y + 0.62, z, 0, 0, false).writeData()); Console.printInfo(packet.message = `Teleported ${this.entity.username} to ${message[1]} ${message[2]} ${message[3]}`); } else if (message[0] === "/csay") { this.mcServer.sendChatMessage(`[CONSOLE] ${message.slice(1, message.length).join(" ")}`); } else if (message[0] === "/top") { packet.message = `Woosh!`; const topBlock = this.entity.chunk.getTopBlockY(this.entity.position.x & 0xf, this.entity.position.z & 0xf); this.send(new PacketPlayerPosition(this.entity.position.x, topBlock + 3, topBlock + 3.62, this.entity.position.z, false).writeData()); } else if (message[0] === "/tpx") { const dimension = parseInt(message[1]); if (this.mcServer.worlds.has(dimension)) { packet.message = "\u00a76Switching dimensions..."; this.switchDimension(dimension); } else { packet.message = `\u00a7cNo dimension by id "${dimension}" exists!`; } } if (packet.message !== "") { this.send(packet.writeData()); } return; } packet.message = `<${this.entity.username}> ${packet.message}`; Console.printInfo(`[CHAT] ${packet.message}`); this.mcServer.sendToAllClients(packet.writeData()); } private handlePacketRespawn() { if ( > 0) { return; } } private handlePacketPlayer(packet:PacketPlayer) { this.entity.onGround = packet.onGround; } private handlePacketPlayerPosition(packet:PacketPlayerPosition) { this.entity.onGround = packet.onGround; this.entity.position.set(packet.x, packet.y, packet.z); } private handlePacketPlayerLook(packet:PacketPlayerLook) { this.entity.onGround = packet.onGround; this.entity.rotation.set(packet.yaw, packet.pitch); } private handlePacketPlayerPositionLook(packet:PacketPlayerPositionLook) { this.entity.onGround = packet.onGround; this.entity.position.set(packet.x, packet.y, packet.z); this.entity.rotation.set(packet.yaw, packet.pitch); } private handlePacketPlayerDigging(packet:PacketPlayerDigging) { console.log(packet.status); // Special drop item case if (packet.status === 4) { // TODO: Handle dropping items return; } this.diggingAt.set(packet.x, packet.y, packet.z); //this.mapCoordsToFace(this.diggingAt, packet.face); if (packet.status === 0) { // Started digging } else if (packet.status === 2) { let brokenBlockId:number; if ((brokenBlockId =, this.diggingAt.y, this.diggingAt.z)) != 0) { const metadata =, this.diggingAt.y, this.diggingAt.z);, this.diggingAt.y, this.diggingAt.z, 0); this.inventory.addItemStack(new ItemStack(Block.blockBehaviours[brokenBlockId].droppedItem(brokenBlockId), 1, metadata)); this.send(new PacketWindowItems(0, this.inventory.getInventorySize(), this.inventory.constructInventoryPayload()).writeData()); } } } public getHeldItemStack() { return this.inventory.getSlotItemStack(this.holdingIndex); } private handlePacketBlockPlacement(packet:PacketPlayerBlockPlacement) { this.diggingAt.set(packet.x, packet.y, packet.z); this.mapCoordsFromFace(this.diggingAt, packet.face); const itemStack = this.getHeldItemStack(); if (itemStack == null || itemStack.size == 0) { return; } if (itemStack.isBlock) { if (, this.diggingAt.y, this.diggingAt.z) === 0) { itemStack.size--;, this.diggingAt.y, this.diggingAt.z, itemStack.itemID, itemStack.damage); } } else { // TODO: Handle item usage } } private handlePacketHoldingChange(packet:PacketHoldingChange) { if (packet.slotId < 0 || packet.slotId > 8) { this.send(new PacketDisconnectKick("Out of Bounds Holding Index!").writeData()); this.socket.end(); return; } this.holdingIndex = 36 + packet.slotId; } // Animation start private handlePacketAnimation(packet:PacketAnimation) { // Forward this packet to all nearby clients, packet.writeData()); } private handlePacketEntityAction(packet:PacketEntityAction) { // Forward this packet to all nearby clients switch (packet.action) { case 1: this.entity.crouching = true; break; case 2: this.entity.crouching = false; break; case 3: break; // TODO: Leave Bed } } private switchDimension(dimension:number) { const world = this.mcServer.worlds.get(dimension); if (world == undefined) { return; }; = world; world.addEntity(this.entity); this.send(new PacketRespawn(dimension).writeData()); //this.send(new PacketSpawnPosition(8, 64, 8).writeData()); this.entity.position.set(8, 60, 8); this.send(new PacketPlayerPositionLook(8, 70, 70.62, 8, 0, 0, false).writeData()); this.entity.forceUpdatePlayerChunks(); } private handleDisconnectKick() { this.socket.end(); } public send(buffer:Buffer) { this.socket.write(buffer); } }