import { FunkyArray } from "../funkyArray"; import Vec3 from "./Vec3"; // Based on this MDN article: // export default class AABB { private static readonly aabbPool:FunkyArray = new FunkyArray(); public readonly aabbPoolString:string; public readonly pooled:boolean; public initMin:Vec3; public initMax:Vec3; public min:Vec3; public max:Vec3; public constructor(minXOrMin:Vec3 | number, minYOrMax:Vec3 | number, minZ?:number, maxX?:number, maxY?:number, maxZ?:number, pooled:boolean = false) { if (minXOrMin instanceof Vec3 && minYOrMax instanceof Vec3) { this.min = minXOrMin; this.max = minYOrMax; } else if (typeof(minXOrMin) === "number" && typeof(minYOrMax) === "number" && typeof(minZ) === "number" && typeof(maxX) === "number" && typeof(maxY) === "number" && typeof(maxZ) === "number") { this.min = new Vec3(minXOrMin, minYOrMax, minZ); this.max = new Vec3(maxX, maxY, maxZ); } else { throw new Error("Invalid input parameters: AABB must be supplied with either two Vec3 with the min and max bounds or the raw bounds."); } this.initMin = new Vec3(this.min); this.initMax = new Vec3(this.max); this.pooled = pooled; this.aabbPoolString = AABB.createAABBPoolString(this.min.x, this.min.y, this.min.z, this.max.x, this.max.y, this.max.z); if (!AABB.aabbPool.has(this.aabbPoolString)) { AABB.aabbPool.set(this.aabbPoolString, this); } console.log(this); } public static createAABBPoolString(minX:number, minY:number, minZ:number, maxX:number, maxY:number, maxZ:number) { return `m${minX}c${minY}a${minZ}a${maxX}b${maxY}b${maxZ}`; } public static getAABB(minX:number, minY:number, minZ:number, maxX:number, maxY:number, maxZ:number) { const aabbPoolString = this.createAABBPoolString(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ); if (AABB.aabbPool.has(aabbPoolString)) { const aabb = AABB.aabbPool.get(aabbPoolString); if (aabb === undefined) { throw new Error(`Pooled AABB was ${typeof(aabb)}! This should be impossible.`); } return aabb; } return new AABB(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ); } public static intersects(a:AABB, b:AABB) { return a.min.x <= b.max.x && a.max.x >= b.min.x && a.min.y <= b.max.y && a.max.y >= b.min.y && a.min.z <= b.max.z && a.max.z >= b.min.z; } public intersects(aabb:AABB) { return this.min.x <= aabb.max.x && this.max.x >= aabb.min.x && this.min.y <= aabb.max.y && this.max.y >= aabb.min.y && this.min.z <= aabb.max.z && this.max.z >= aabb.min.z; } public static intersectionY(a: AABB, b: AABB) { const minY = Math.max(a.min.y, b.min.y); const maxY = Math.min(a.max.y, b.max.y); return minY <= maxY ? maxY - minY : 0; } public intersectionY(aabb: AABB) { const minY = Math.max(this.min.y, aabb.min.y); const maxY = Math.min(this.max.y, aabb.max.y); return minY <= maxY ? maxY - minY : 0; } public move(xOrVec3:Vec3 | number, y?:number, z?:number) { if (this.pooled) { throw new Error(`Attempted to move a pooled AABB. This is not allowed!`); } this.min.set(this.initMin); this.max.set(this.initMax); if (xOrVec3 instanceof Vec3) { this.min.add(xOrVec3); this.max.add(xOrVec3); } else if (typeof(xOrVec3) === "number" && typeof(y) === "number" && typeof(z) === "number") { this.min.add(xOrVec3, y, z); this.max.add(xOrVec3, y, z); } } }