/* ===========- bufferStuff.js -=========== Created by Holly (tgpethan) (c) 2021 Licenced under MIT ======================================== */ module.exports.Writer = class { // bufferStuff supports pre-allocating memory for the buffer // if you pass in a size of 0 then it will just dynamicly allocate at the // cost of performance // NOTE: In pre-allocation mode if you exceed the size of the buffer // that you set it will cause a crash. constructor(size = 0) { this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(size); this.offset = 0; this.baseSize = size; } reset() { this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); } writeBuffer(buff = Buffer.alloc(0)) { this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, buff], this.buffer.length + buff.length); } writeBool(data = false) { this.writeByte(data ? 1 : 0); } writeByte(data = 0) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(1); buff.writeInt8(data, 0); this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { this.buffer.writeInt8(data, this.offset); this.offset += 1; } } writeUByte(data = 0) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(1); buff.writeUInt8(data, 0); this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { this.buffer.writeUInt8(data, this.offset); this.offset += 1; } } writeByteArray(data = [0]) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(data.length); for (let byte of data) { buff.writeInt8(byte); } this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { for (let byte of data) { this.buffer.writeInt8(byte); this.offset += 1; } } } writeShort(data = 0) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(2); buff.writeIntBE(data, 0, 2); this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { this.buffer.writeIntBE(data, this.offset, 2); this.offset += 2; } } writeShortArray(data = [0]) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(data.length * 2); let offset = 0; for (let short of data) { buff.writeIntBE(short, offset, 2); offset += 2; } this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { for (let short of data) { this.buffer.writeIntBE(short, this.offset, 2); this.offset += 2; } } } writeInt(data = 0) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(4); buff.writeIntBE(data, 0, 4); this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { this.buffer.writeIntBE(data, this.offset, 4); this.offset += 4; } } writeLong(data = 0) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(8); if (data instanceof BigInt) buff.writeBigInt64BE(data, 0); else buff.writeBigInt64BE(BigInt(data), 0); this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { if (data instanceof BigInt) this.buffer.writeBigInt64BE(data, this.offset); else this.buffer.writeBigInt64BE(BigInt(data), this.offset); this.offset += 8; } } writeFloat(data = 0.0) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(4); buff.writeFloatBE(data, 0); this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { this.buffer.writeFloatBE(data, this.offset); this.offset += 4; } } writeDouble(data = 0.0) { if (this.baseSize == 0) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(8); buff.writeDoubleBE(data, 0); this.writeBuffer(buff); } else { this.buffer.writeDoubleBE(data, this.offset); this.offset += 8; } } writeString(string = "") { this.writeShort(string.length); for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { this.writeShort(string.charCodeAt(i)); } } } module.exports.Reader = class { constructor(buffer = Buffer.alloc(0)) { this.buffer = buffer; this.offset = 0; } readBool() { return this.readByte() == 0x01 ? true : false; } readByte() { const data = this.buffer.readInt8(this.offset); this.offset += 1; return data; } readShort() { const data = this.buffer.readIntBE(this.offset, 2); this.offset += 2; return data; } readInt() { const data = this.buffer.readIntBE(this.offset, 4); this.offset += 4; return data; } readLong() { const data = this.buffer.readBigInt64BE(this.offset); this.offset += 8; return data; } readFloat() { const data = this.buffer.readFloatBE(this.offset); this.offset += 4; return data; } readDouble() { const data = this.buffer.readDoubleBE(this.offset); this.offset += 8; return data; } readString() { const length = this.readShort(); let data = ""; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { data += String.fromCharCode(this.readShort()); } return data; } }