# mc-beta-server [![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/tgpholly/mc-beta-server/badge/typescript)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/tgpholly/mc-beta-server/overview/typescript) me trying to understand minecraft beta's protocol **Implemented:** - Basic flat terrain generation - "Decent" terrain generation using OpenSimplex Noise - Concept of worlds - Chunk management (loading / unloading) - Cross chunk structure generation (trees, buildings, etc...) - World/Chunk saving to disk - Block breaking **WIP:** - Entities: - Players **To Implement:** - Block placement - Entities: - Items - Mobs - Inventories (player inventory, containers, etc...) - Sleeping in beds - Tile entities - Probably a bunch more things that i'm forgetting **Long Term:** - Make this as fast as possible on a single thread. - Only use thread pools if absolutely neccesary.