import { Console } from "../console"; import { FunkyArray } from "../funkyArray"; import { Chunk } from "./Chunk"; import { IEntity } from "./entities/IEntity"; import { Player } from "./entities/Player"; import { FlatGenerator } from "./generators/Flat"; import { HillyGenerator } from "./generators/Hilly"; import { IGenerator } from "./generators/IGenerator"; export class World { public chunks:FunkyArray; public entites:FunkyArray; public generator:IGenerator; public constructor(seed:number) { this.chunks = new FunkyArray(); this.entites = new FunkyArray(); this.generator = new HillyGenerator(seed); } public addEntity(entity:IEntity) { this.entites.set(entity.entityId, entity); } // TODO: getChunkByCoordPair failed in here during removeEntity, figure out why. public removeEntity(entity:IEntity) { if (entity instanceof Player) { for (let coordPair of entity.loadedChunks) { const chunk = this.getChunkByCoordPair(coordPair); chunk.playersInChunk.remove(entity.entityId); if (chunk.playersInChunk.length === 0) { this.unloadChunk(coordPair); } } } this.entites.remove(entity.entityId); // TODO: Inform clients about entity removal } public getChunk(x:number, z:number, generate:boolean = true) { const coordPair = Chunk.CreateCoordPair(x, z); const existingChunk = this.chunks.get(coordPair); if (!(existingChunk instanceof Chunk)) { if (generate) { return this.chunks.set(coordPair, new Chunk(this, x, z)); } throw new Error(`BADLOOKUP: Chunk [${x}, ${z}] does not exist.`); } return existingChunk; } public getChunkByCoordPair(coordPair:number) { const existingChunk = this.chunks.get(coordPair); if (!(existingChunk instanceof Chunk)) { throw new Error(`BADLOOKUP: Chunk ${coordPair} does not exist.`); } return existingChunk; } public unloadChunk(coordPair:number) { // TODO: Save to disk this.chunks.remove(coordPair); } public tick(tickCount:number) { this.entites.forEach(entity => { if (entity instanceof Player) { if (entity.justUnloaded.length > 0) { for (let coordPair of entity.justUnloaded) { const chunkToUnload = this.getChunkByCoordPair(coordPair); chunkToUnload.playersInChunk.remove(entity.entityId); if (chunkToUnload.playersInChunk.length === 0) { this.unloadChunk(coordPair); } } entity.justUnloaded = new Array(); } } entity.onTick(); }) } }