
155 lines
4.9 KiB

import AABB from "../AABB";
import { World } from "../World";
import { BlockBehaviour } from "./BlockBehaviour";
import { BlockBehaviourFlower } from "./BlockBehaviourFlower";
import { BlockBehaviourGrass } from "./BlockBehaviourGrass";
import { BlockBehaviourStone } from "./BlockBehaviourStone";
import { BlockBehaviourTallGrass } from "./BlockBehaviourTallGrass";
import { IBlockBehaviour } from "./IBlockBehaviour";
abstract class Behaviour {
public static base = new BlockBehaviour();
public static stone = new BlockBehaviourStone();
public static grass = new BlockBehaviourGrass();
public static tallGrass = new BlockBehaviourTallGrass();
public static flower = new BlockBehaviourFlower();
export class Block {
public readonly blockId:number;
public static readonly blocks:Array<Block> = new Array<Block>();
public static readonly lightPassage:Array<number> = new Array<number>();
public static readonly hardness:Array<number> = new Array<number>();
public static readonly blockAABBs:Array<AABB> = new Array<AABB>();
public static readonly blockBehaviours:Array<IBlockBehaviour> = new Array<IBlockBehaviour>();
public static readonly blockNames:Array<string> = new Array<string>();
public constructor(blockId:number) {
Block.blocks[blockId] = this;
Block.lightPassage[blockId] = 0;
Block.blockNames[blockId] = "";
Block.blockBehaviours[blockId] = Behaviour.base;
this.blockId = blockId;
public get lightPassage() {
return Block.lightPassage[this.blockId];
public set lightPassage(value:number) {
Block.lightPassage[this.blockId] = value;
public get hardness() {
return Block.hardness[this.blockId];
public set hardness(value:number) {
Block.hardness[this.blockId] = value;
private get blockAABB() {
return Block.blockAABBs[this.blockId];
private set blockAABB(value:AABB) {
Block.blockAABBs[this.blockId] = value;
public get blockName() {
return Block.blockNames[this.blockId];
public set blockName(value:string) {
Block.blockNames[this.blockId] = value;
public get behaviour() {
return Block.blockBehaviours[this.blockId];
public set behaviour(value:IBlockBehaviour) {
Block.blockBehaviours[this.blockId] = value;
public setBehaviour(value:IBlockBehaviour) {
this.behaviour = value;
return this;
public setLightPassage(value:number) {
this.lightPassage = value;
return this;
public setBlockName(value:string) {
this.blockName = value;
return this;
public neighborBlockChange(world:World, x:number, y:number, z:number, blockId:number) {
this.behaviour.neighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, blockId);
public droppedItem(blockId:number) {
public getHardness() {
return this.hardness;
public setHardness(value:number) {
this.hardness = value;
return this;
public setUnbreakable() {
return this.setHardness(-1);
public blockStrength() {
if (this.hardness < 0) {
return 0;
// TODO: Check if we can actually harvest a block with current tool
// TODO: Have the 1 be based on current tool ig
return 1 / this.hardness / 100;
public getBoundingBox(x:number, y:number, z:number) {
return this.behaviour.getBoundingBox(x, y, z);
// Define statics here
static readonly stone = new Block(1).setHardness(1.5).setBehaviour(Behaviour.stone).setBlockName("Stone");
static readonly grass = new Block(2).setHardness(0.6).setBehaviour(Behaviour.grass).setBlockName("Grass");
static readonly dirt = new Block(3).setHardness(0.5).setBlockName("Dirt");
static readonly cobblestone = new Block(4).setHardness(2).setBlockName("Cobblestone");
static readonly bedrock = new Block(7).setUnbreakable().setBlockName("Bedrock");
static readonly waterStill = new Block(9).setHardness(100).setLightPassage(128).setBlockName("Still Water");
static readonly lavaStill = new Block(11).setHardness(100).setBlockName("Still Lava");
static readonly sand = new Block(12).setHardness(0.5).setBlockName("Sand");
static readonly gravel = new Block(13).setHardness(0.6).setBlockName("Gravel");
static readonly wood = new Block(17).setHardness(2).setBlockName("Wood");
static readonly leaves = new Block(18).setHardness(0.2).setLightPassage(240).setBlockName("Leaves");
static readonly glass = new Block(20).setHardness(0.3).setLightPassage(255).setBlockName("Glass");
static readonly tallGrass = new Block(31).setHardness(0).setLightPassage(255).setBehaviour(Behaviour.tallGrass).setBlockName("Tall Grass");
static readonly flowerDandelion = new Block(37).setHardness(0).setLightPassage(255).setBehaviour(Behaviour.flower).setBlockName("Dandelion");
static readonly flowerRose = new Block(38).setHardness(0).setLightPassage(255).setBehaviour(Behaviour.flower).setBlockName("Rose");
static readonly clay = new Block(82).setHardness(0.6).setBlockName("Clay");
static readonly netherrack = new Block(87).setHardness(0.4).setBlockName("Netherrack");