X models load once again, and DOORS!
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 141 additions and 71 deletions
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ script = ExtResource("2_co6fy")
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, 1, 0, -1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 0, 0)
[node name="CSGBox3D" type="CSGBox3D" parent="."]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.97521, -1.86909, -3.06)
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, -1.86909, -3.06)
visible = false
use_collision = true
size = Vector3(15.4238, 0.866943, 15.2599)
@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ size = Vector3(15.4238, 0.866943, 15.2599)
[node name="Label3D" type="Label3D" parent="."]
[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_58gow")]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1.74637, 0)
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0, 0)
@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ func _ready() -> void:
#var modl = X.LoadModel("res://GFX/map/DoorFrame.x")
#modl.scale.x = Constants.RoomScale
#modl.scale.y = Constants.RoomScale
#modl.scale.z = Constants.RoomScale
@ -14,8 +18,8 @@ func _ready() -> void:
IntroEnabled = true
var IntroEnabled: bool
var I_Zone: MapZones = MapZones.new()
@ -120,12 +124,17 @@ func CreateDoor(lvl, x:float, y:float, z:float, angle:float, room:Room, dopen =
#entityType d\obj2, HIT_MAP
#scaleentity(d\obj, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
d.frameobj.position.x = x
d.frameobj.position.y = y
d.frameobj.position.z = z
d.frameobj.scale.x = Constants.RoomScale
d.frameobj.scale.y = Constants.RoomScale
d.frameobj.scale.z = Constants.RoomScale
d.obj.name = str("doar ", doors.size() - 1)
d.frameobj.global_position.x = x
d.frameobj.global_position.y = y
d.frameobj.global_position.z = z
#EntityPickMode d\frameobj,2
#EntityType d\obj, HIT_MAP
#EntityType d\obj2, HIT_MAP
@ -156,48 +165,55 @@ func CreateDoor(lvl, x:float, y:float, z:float, angle:float, room:Room, dopen =
d.buttons[i].scale.y = 0.03
d.buttons[i].scale.z = 0.03
if big:
d.buttons[0].position.x = x - 432.0 * Constants.RoomScale
d.buttons[0].position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[0].position.z = z + 192.0 * Constants.RoomScale
d.buttons[1].position.x = x + 432.0 * Constants.RoomScale
d.buttons[1].position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[1].position.z = z - 192.0 * Constants.RoomScale
if big > 0:
d.buttons[0].global_position.x = x - 432.0 * Constants.RoomScale
d.buttons[0].global_position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[0].global_position.z = z + 192.0 * Constants.RoomScale
d.buttons[1].global_position.x = x + 432.0 * Constants.RoomScale
d.buttons[1].global_position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[1].global_position.z = z - 192.0 * Constants.RoomScale
d.buttons[0].rotation.y = 90
d.buttons[1].rotation.y = 270
d.buttons[0].position.x = x + 0.6
d.buttons[0].position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[0].position.z = z - 0.1
d.buttons[1].position.x = x - 0.6
d.buttons[1].position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[1].position.z = z + 0.1
d.buttons[0].global_position.x = x + 0.6
d.buttons[0].global_position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[0].global_position.z = z - 0.1
d.buttons[1].global_position.x = x - 0.6
d.buttons[1].global_position.y = y + 0.7
d.buttons[1].global_position.z = z + 0.1
d.buttons[1].rotation.y = 180
#EntityPickMode(d\buttons[0], 2)
#EntityPickMode(d\buttons[1], 2)
d.obj.position.x = x
d.obj.position.y = y
d.obj.position.z = z
d.obj.global_position.x = x
d.obj.global_position.y = y
d.obj.global_position.z = z
d.obj.rotation.y = angle
d.frameobj.rotation.y = angle
d.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(angle)
d.frameobj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(angle)
if d.obj2 != null:
d.obj2.position.x = x
d.obj2.position.y = y
d.obj2.position.z = z
if big:
d.obj2.rotation.y = angle
d.obj2.rotation.y = angle + 180
d.obj2.global_position.x = x
d.obj2.global_position.y = y
d.obj2.global_position.z = z
var text3 = Label3D.new()
text3.position.y = 10
text3.scale.x = 3
text3.scale.y = 3
text3.scale.z = 3
text3.billboard = BaseMaterial3D.BILLBOARD_ENABLED
text3.name = "Egg"
if big > 0:
d.obj2.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(angle)
d.obj2.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(angle + 180)
d.angle = angle
d.open = dopen
@ -2328,18 +2344,19 @@ func FillRoom(r:Room):
#r\Objects[1] = sc\ScrObj
#;[End Block]
#Case "endroom"
#r\RoomDoors[0] = CreateDoor(r\zone, r\x, 0, r\z + 1136 * RoomScale, 0, r, False, True, 6)
#r\RoomDoors[0]\AutoClose = False : r\RoomDoors[0]\open = False
#FreeEntity r\RoomDoors[0]\buttons[0] : r\RoomDoors[0]\buttons[0]=0
#FreeEntity r\RoomDoors[0]\buttons[1] : r\RoomDoors[0]\buttons[1]=0
#;[End Block]
#Case "endroomc"
#d = CreateDoor(r\zone, r\x+1024*RoomScale, 0, r\z, 0, r, False, 2, False, "")
#d\open = False : d\AutoClose = False : d\locked = True
#;[End Block]
elif rn == "endroom":
r.RoomDoors[0] = CreateDoor(r.zone, r.x, 0, r.z + 1136 * Constants.RoomScale, 0, r, false, true, 6)
r.RoomDoors[0].AutoClose = false
r.RoomDoors[0].open = false
r.RoomDoors[0].buttons[0] = null
r.RoomDoors[0].buttons[1] = null
elif rn == "endroomc":
var d = CreateDoor(r.zone, r.x + 1024 * Constants.RoomScale, 0, r.z, 0, r, false, 2, false, "")
d.open = false
d.AutoClose = false
d.locked = true
#Case "coffin"
#d = CreateDoor(r\zone, r\x, 0, r\z - 448.0 * RoomScale, 0, r, False, True, 2)
@ -2498,14 +2515,14 @@ func FillRoom(r:Room):
r.Objects[i].scale.z = Constants.RoomScale
#EntityPickMode(r\Objects[i], 2)
r.Objects[0].position.x = r.x
r.Objects[0].position.y = r.y + 190.0 * Constants.RoomScale
r.Objects[0].position.z = r.z + 374.0 * Constants.RoomScale
r.Objects[1].position.x = r.x
r.Objects[1].position.y = r.y + 230.0 * Constants.RoomScale
r.Objects[1].position.z = r.z + 374.0 * Constants.RoomScale
r.Objects[0].global_position.x = r.x
r.Objects[0].global_position.y = r.y + 190.0 * Constants.RoomScale
r.Objects[0].global_position.z = r.z + 374.0 * Constants.RoomScale
r.Objects[1].global_position.x = r.x
r.Objects[1].global_position.y = r.y + 230.0 * Constants.RoomScale
r.Objects[1].global_position.z = r.z + 374.0 * Constants.RoomScale
#d = CreateDoor(r\zone, r\x - 624.0 * RoomScale, 0.0, r\z + 528.0 * RoomScale, 180, r, True)
#FreeEntity (d\obj2) : d\obj2 = 0
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ class_name X
# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d9/dx9-graphics-reference-x-file-interfaces
# NOTE: adaptation of https://github.com/oguna/Blender-XFileImporter/blob/master/xfile_parser.py
static var loadCache: Dictionary
var currentFilePath = ""
var majorVersion = 0
var minorVersion = 0
@ -18,6 +20,7 @@ var file: PackedByteArray
var scene = Node3D.new()
var meshes: Array
var materials: Array
var finalMeshes: Array
const MAX_TEX_COORDS = 2
@ -43,6 +46,31 @@ static func _CalcMinMaxPos(verts: PackedVector3Array) -> Vector3:
maxZ = vert.z
return Vector3(abs(minX - maxX), abs(minY - maxY), abs(minZ - maxZ))
static func _CalcMinMaxPosTotal(finalMeshes: Array) -> Vector3:
var minX: float = 0
var maxX: float = 0
var minY: float = 0
var maxY: float = 0
var minZ: float = 0
var maxZ: float = 0
for mesh in finalMeshes:
var meshX = mesh.get_meta("meshWidth")
var meshY = mesh.get_meta("meshHeight")
var meshZ = mesh.get_meta("meshDepth")
if meshX < minX:
minX = meshX
if meshX > maxX:
maxX = meshX
if meshY < minY:
minY = meshY
if meshY > maxY:
maxY = meshY
if meshZ < minZ:
minZ = meshZ
if meshZ > maxZ:
maxZ = meshZ
return Vector3(abs(minX - maxX), abs(minY - maxY), abs(minZ - maxZ))
static func MeshWidth(mesh: Node) -> float:
return mesh.get_meta("meshWidth")
@ -71,7 +99,7 @@ func FindNextNonWhiteSpace():
while true:
while p < end and (GetStringBytes(p, p + 1) == " " or GetStringBytes(p, p + 1) == "\r" or GetStringBytes(p, p + 1) == "\n"):
while p < end and (GetStringBytes(p, p + 1) == " " or GetStringBytes(p, p + 1) == "\n"):
if GetStringBytes(p, p + 1) == "\n":
lineNumber += 1
p += 1
@ -90,7 +118,12 @@ static func LoadModel(filePath: String):
# Do a case insensitive lookup only if we have to, it's more expensive.
if file == null:
file = FileAccess.open(Utils.GetCaseiFileName(sillyPath), FileAccess.READ)
sillyPath = Utils.GetCaseiFileName(sillyPath)
file = FileAccess.open(sillyPath, FileAccess.READ)
if loadCache.has(sillyPath):
return loadCache.get(sillyPath).duplicate()
var x = X.new()
x.currentFilePath = Utils.StripFilename(sillyPath)
@ -171,8 +204,15 @@ static func LoadModel(filePath: String):
meshInstance.set_meta("meshHeight", meshSize.y)
meshInstance.set_meta("meshDepth", meshSize.z)
var meshSize = _CalcMinMaxPosTotal(x.finalMeshes)
x.scene.set_meta("meshWidth", meshSize.x)
x.scene.set_meta("meshHeight", meshSize.y)
x.scene.set_meta("meshDepth", meshSize.z)
loadCache[sillyPath] = x.scene.duplicate()
return x.scene
func ReadBinWord() -> int:
@ -215,8 +255,8 @@ func ReadHead():
func ParseTemplate():
var name = ReadHead()
var guid = GetNextToken()
while true:
var s = GetNextToken()
if s == "}":
@ -315,8 +355,8 @@ func ReadVector2() -> Vector2:
return Vector2(x, y)
func ReadVector3() -> Vector3:
var x = -ReadFloat()
func ReadVector3(invertX:bool = false) -> Vector3:
var x = -ReadFloat() if invertX else ReadFloat()
var y = ReadFloat()
var z = ReadFloat()
@ -351,13 +391,15 @@ func ParseMesh(parent: Node):
var mesh = XMesh.new()
mesh.parent = parent
var name = ReadHead()
mesh.name = name
var vertCount = ReadInt()
for i in range(vertCount):
var faceCount = ReadInt()
mesh.indexCount = faceCount
for i in range(faceCount):
var numIndices = ReadInt()
if numIndices < 3:
@ -369,7 +411,7 @@ func ParseMesh(parent: Node):
while true:
var objectName = GetNextToken().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "")
if not objectName:
assert(false, "Unexpected end of file while parsing mesh structure")
elif objectName == "}":
@ -426,7 +468,7 @@ func ParseMeshNormals(mesh: XMesh):
var faceCount = ReadInt()
if faceCount != mesh.indices.size() / 3:
if faceCount != mesh.indexCount:
assert(false, "Normal face count does not match vertex face count.")
for i in range(faceCount):
@ -467,7 +509,6 @@ func ParseFrame(parent: Node = null):
while true:
var objectName = GetNextToken().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "")
if not objectName:
assert(false, "Unexpected end of file reached while parsing frame")
@ -477,7 +518,8 @@ func ParseFrame(parent: Node = null):
elif objectName == "FrameTransformMatrix":
# TODO: Do something with this?
elif objectName == "Mesh":
@ -500,7 +542,8 @@ func ReadRGBA() -> Color:
func ParseTextureFilename():
var name = GetNextToken()
var name = GetNextToken().replace("\"", "")
if not name:
push_warning("Unexpected end of file while parsing unknown segment.")
@ -541,7 +584,7 @@ func ParseMaterial():
func ParseFile():
while true:
var objectName = GetNextToken().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "")
if not objectName:
if objectName == "template":
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ var parent: Node
var name: String
var verts: PackedVector3Array = PackedVector3Array()
var indices: PackedInt32Array = PackedInt32Array()
var indexCount: int = 0
var normals: PackedVector3Array = PackedVector3Array()
var normalIndices: PackedInt32Array = PackedInt32Array()
var uvs: PackedVector2Array = PackedVector2Array()
@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
extends Node3D
# for when it just isn't.
func _process(delta: float):
$Egg.text = str("ROT: ", rad_to_deg(rotation.y), "\n", get_meta("rmesh"))
$Egg.position.y = X.MeshHeight(self) + 0.5
$Egg.scale.x = 15
$Egg.scale.y = 15
$Egg.scale.z = 15
$Egg.text = str(
"POS: ", position, "\n",
"ROT: ", rad_to_deg(rotation.y), "\n"
Add table
Reference in a new issue