This commit is contained in:
Holly Stubbs 2025-02-11 05:27:07 +00:00
parent b9a9cb6203
commit ae8b17a347
Signed by: tgpholly
GPG key ID: B8583C4B7D18119E
8 changed files with 163 additions and 148 deletions

View file

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://bw0tk6ml7gayq"]
[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://bw0tk6ml7gayq"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/DynamicMap.gd" id="1_mytgt"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/TempDebugCamera.gd" id="2_co6fy"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dm33ofcbh8sht" path="res://scenes/world/Player.tscn" id="3_58gow"]
[sub_resource type="ProceduralSkyMaterial" id="ProceduralSkyMaterial_tvhkv"]
sky_top_color = Color(0.483795, 0.593484, 0.746094, 1)
@ -22,12 +21,9 @@ script = ExtResource("1_mytgt")
[node name="WorldEnvironment" type="WorldEnvironment" parent="."]
environment = SubResource("Environment_d5g72")
[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_58gow")]
[node name="CameraPivot" type="Node3D" parent="."]
[node name="Camera3D" type="Camera3D" parent="CameraPivot"]
current = true
script = ExtResource("2_co6fy")
[node name="DirectionalLight3D" type="DirectionalLight3D" parent="."]
@ -37,3 +33,5 @@ transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, 1, 0, -1, -4.37114e-08, 0, 0,
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.97521, -1.86909, -3.06)
use_collision = true
size = Vector3(15.4238, 0.866943, 15.2599)
[node name="Label3D" type="Label3D" parent="."]

View file

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1.75, 0)
[node name="Collision" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="."]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
shape = SubResource("CylinderShape3D_bsew3")
disabled = true
[node name="MeshInstance3D" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="Collision"]
visible = false

View file

@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ const ROOM4 = 5
const gridsz = 19 # Same size as the main map itself (better for the map creator)
const RoomScale = 0.010
#const RoomScale = 0.010
const RoomScale = 8.0 / 2048.0

View file

@ -57,21 +57,20 @@ func LoadRoomTemplates(file: String):
var rt = CreateRoomTemplate(StrTemp)
rt.Name = TemporaryString.to_lower()
rt.Name = templateName.to_lower()
StrTemp = template["shape"].to_lower()
match StrTemp:
"room1", "1":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM1
"room2", "2":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM2
"room2c", "2c":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM2C
"room3", "3":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM3
"room4", "4":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM4
if StrTemp == "room1" or StrTemp == "1":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM1
elif StrTemp == "room2" or StrTemp == "2":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM2
elif StrTemp == "room2c" or StrTemp == "2c":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM2C
elif StrTemp == "room3" or StrTemp == "3":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM3
elif StrTemp == "room4" or StrTemp == "4":
rt.Shape = Constants.ROOM4
for i1 in range(4):
rt.zone[i1] = INI.GetInt(template, str("zone", (i1 + 1)))
@ -179,8 +178,9 @@ func CalculateRoomExtents(r: Room):
print("roomextents: ", r.MinX, ", ", r.MinY, ", ", r.MinZ, ", ", r.MaxX, ", ", r.MaxY, ", ", r.MaxZ)
func LoadRoomMesh(rt: RoomTemplate):
var path = Utils.GetCaseiFileName(str("res://", rt.objPath.replace("\\", "/"))).replace("res://", "")
if rt.objPath.contains(".rmesh"): # file is roommesh
rt.obj = RMesh.LoadRMesh(rt.objPath, rt)
rt.obj = RMesh.LoadRMesh(path, rt)
# TODO: Implement b3d maps, not pressing as newer vers use exclusively rmesh
#else: #file is b3d
#If rt\objPath <> "" Then rt\obj = LoadWorld(rt\objPath, rt) Else rt\obj = CreatePivot()
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ func CreateMap():
for i1 in range(y, MapHeight): # MapHeight - 1
MapTemp[x][i1] = 1
while y < 2:
while y > 2:
width = randi_range(10, 15)
if x > MapWidth * 0.6:
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ func CreateMap():
if tempheight == height:
temp = x2
x = temp
y = y - height
y -= height
var ZoneAmount = 3
var Room1Amount = Utils.Init1DArray(3, 0)
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ func CreateMap():
# count the amount of rooms
#For y = 1 To MapHeight - 1
for y1 in range(MapHeight):
for y1 in range(0, MapHeight):
zone = GetZone(y1)
for x1 in range(MapWidth):
@ -372,24 +372,23 @@ func CreateMap():
if MapTemp[x1][y1] < 255:
MapTemp[x1][y1] = temp
match MapTemp[x1][y1]:
Room1Amount[zone] += 1
print("R1A ", Room1Amount[zone])
if min(MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[zone] += 1
elif min(MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[zone] += 1
Room2CAmount[zone] += 1
Room3Amount[zone] += 1
Room4Amount[zone] += 1
if MapTemp[x1][y1] == 1:
Room1Amount[zone] += 1
print("R1A ", Room1Amount[zone])
elif MapTemp[x1][y1] == 2:
if min(MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[zone] += 1
elif min(MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[zone] += 1
Room2CAmount[zone] += 1
elif MapTemp[x1][y1] == 3:
Room3Amount[zone] += 1
elif MapTemp[x1][y1] == 4:
Room4Amount[zone] += 1
# force more room1s (if needed)
for i in range(0, 2):
for i in range(0, 3):
# need more rooms if there are less than 5 of them
temp = -Room1Amount[i] + 5
var y2 = 0
@ -417,20 +416,19 @@ func CreateMap():
placed = false
if MapTemp[x2][y2] > 1 and MapTemp[x2][y2] < 4:
match MapTemp[x2][y2]:
if min(MapTemp[x2 + 1][y2], 1) + min(MapTemp[x2 - 1][y2], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[i] = Room2Amount[i] - 1
Room3Amount[i] = Room3Amount[i] + 1
placed = true
elif min(MapTemp[x2][y2 + 1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x2][y2 - 1], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[i] = Room2Amount[i] - 1
Room3Amount[i] = Room3Amount[i] + 1
placed = true
Room3Amount[i] = Room3Amount[i] - 1
Room4Amount[i] = Room4Amount[i] + 1
if MapTemp[x2][y2] == 2:
if min(MapTemp[x2 + 1][y2], 1) + min(MapTemp[x2 - 1][y2], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[i] = Room2Amount[i] - 1
Room3Amount[i] = Room3Amount[i] + 1
placed = true
elif min(MapTemp[x2][y2 + 1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x2][y2 - 1], 1) == 2:
Room2Amount[i] = Room2Amount[i] - 1
Room3Amount[i] = Room3Amount[i] + 1
placed = true
elif MapTemp[x2][y2] == 3:
Room3Amount[i] = Room3Amount[i] - 1
Room4Amount[i] = Room4Amount[i] + 1
placed = true
if placed:
MapTemp[x2][y2] == MapTemp[x2][y2] + 1
@ -444,18 +442,17 @@ func CreateMap():
# force more room4s and room2Cs
for i in range(0, 2):
for i in range(0, 3):
var temp2 = 0
match i:
zone = 2
temp2 = MapHeight / 3 #-1
zone = MapHeight / 3 + 1
temp2 = MapHeight * (2.0 / 3.0) - 1
zone = MapHeight * (2.0 / 3.0) + 1
temp2 = MapHeight - 2
if i == 2:
zone = 2
temp2 = MapHeight / 3 #-1
elif i == 1:
zone = MapHeight / 3 + 1
temp2 = MapHeight * (2.0 / 3.0) - 1
elif i == 0:
zone = MapHeight * (2.0 / 3.0) + 1
temp2 = MapHeight - 2
if Room4Amount[i] < 1: # we want at least 1 ROOM4
print(str("forcing a ROOM4 into zone ", i))
temp = 0
@ -496,7 +493,7 @@ func CreateMap():
temp2 = temp2 - 1
for y1 in range(zone, temp2):
for x1 in range(3, MapWidth - 3):
for x1 in range(3, MapWidth - 2):
if MapTemp[x1][y1] == 1:
if MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1] > 0:
if (MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1] + MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1] + MapTemp[x1 + 2][y1]) == 0:
@ -570,12 +567,12 @@ func CreateMap():
MaxRooms = max(MaxRooms, Room2CAmount[0] + Room2CAmount[1] + Room2CAmount[2] + 1)
MaxRooms = max(MaxRooms, Room3Amount[0] + Room3Amount[1] + Room3Amount[2] + 1)
MaxRooms = max(MaxRooms, Room4Amount[0] + Room4Amount[1] + Room4Amount[2] + 1)
MapRoom = Utils.Init2DArray(Constants.ROOM4 + 1, MaxRooms)
MapRoom = Utils.Init2DArray(Constants.ROOM4 + 1, MaxRooms, "")
# zone 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var min_pos = 1
var max_pos = Room1Amount[0] - 1
var max_pos = Room1Amount[0]-1
MapRoom[Constants.ROOM1][0] = "start"
SetRoom("roompj", Constants.ROOM1, floor(0.1 * float(Room1Amount[0])), min_pos,max_pos)
@ -663,15 +660,15 @@ func CreateMap():
temp = 0
var r: Room
var spacing = 8.0
for y1 in range(MapHeight - 1, 1, -1):
for y1 in range(MapHeight - 1, 0, -1):
zone = GetZone(y1)
if y1 < MapHeight / 3 + 1:
zone = 3
elif y1 < MapHeight * (2.0 / 3.0):
zone = 2
zone = 1
for x1 in range(MapWidth - 2):
if MapTemp[x1][y1] == 255:
@ -682,91 +679,93 @@ func CreateMap():
elif MapTemp[x1][y1] > 0:
temp = min(MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1], 1) + min(MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1], 1)
match temp: # viereisiss<73> ruuduissa olevien huoneiden m<><6D>r<EFBFBD>
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM1][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM1][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1]]
# viereisiss<73> ruuduissa olevien huoneiden m<><6D>r<EFBFBD>
if temp == 1:
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM1][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM1][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM1, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1]:
r.angle = 180
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1]:
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1]:
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM1, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1]:
r.angle = 180
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1]:
r.angle = 90
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1]:
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
r.angle = 0
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] + 1
elif temp == 2:
if MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1] > 0:
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if randi_range(1, 2) == 1:
r.angle = 90
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] + 1
elif MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1] > 0:
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if randi_range(1, 2) == 1:
r.angle = 180
r.angle = 0
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] + 1
if MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1] > 0:
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if randi_range(1, 2) == 1:
r.angle = 90
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] + 1
elif MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1] > 0:
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if randi_range(1, 2) == 1:
r.angle = 180
r.angle = 0
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] + 1
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2C][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2C][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C]]
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2] + 1
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2C][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM2C][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C]]
if MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1] > 0:
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
r.angle = 180
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1] > 0:
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
r.angle = 90
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1] > 0:
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C] + 1
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM3][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM3][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM3, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if not MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1]:
r.angle = 180
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif not MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1]:
if MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1] > 0:
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
r.angle = 90
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif not MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1]:
elif MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 + 1] > 0:
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
r.angle = 180
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1] > 0 and MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1] > 0:
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3] + 1
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM4][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM4][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM2C, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM2C] + 1
elif temp == 3:
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM3][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM3][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM4, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4] + 1
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM3, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
if not MapTemp[x1][y1 - 1]:
r.angle = 180
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif not MapTemp[x1 - 1][y1]:
r.angle = 270
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
elif not MapTemp[x1 + 1][y1]:
r.angle = 90
r.obj.rotation.y = deg_to_rad(r.angle)
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM3] + 1
elif temp == 4:
if MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4] < MaxRooms and MapName[x1][y1] == "":
if MapRoom[Constants.ROOM4][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4]] != "":
MapName[x1][y1] = MapRoom[Constants.ROOM4][MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4]]
r = CreateRoom(zone, Constants.ROOM4, x1 * 8, 0, y1 * 8, MapName[x1][y1])
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM4] + 1
r = CreateRoom(0, Constants.ROOM1, (MapWidth - 1) * 8, 500, 8, "gatea")
MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] = MapRoomID[Constants.ROOM1] + 1

View file

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
func _on_video_stream_player_finished() -> void:
if Global.videoToPlay == "res://GFX/menu/startup_TSS.avi":
Global.videoToPlay = "res://GFX/menu/startup_TSS.avi"

View file

@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ static func GetCaseiFileName(path: String):
loadedFileNames = Dictionary()
var sillyDir = DirAccess.open(dirName)
if not sillyDir:
return null
var dirFileName = sillyDir.get_next()
while dirFileName != "":

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ static func StripFilename(file: String):
if len(file) > 0:
for i in range(len(file)):
mi = file.substr(i, 1)
if mi == "\\" or mi == "//":
if mi == "\\" or mi == "/":
lastSlash = i
return file.substr(0, lastSlash + 1)
@ -29,12 +29,23 @@ static func LoadRMesh(file: String, rt: RoomTemplate):
var header = ReadString(reader)
var hasTriggerBox = header == "RoomMesh.HasTriggerBox"
if header != "RoomMesh":
if header != "RoomMesh" and header != "RoomMesh.HasTriggerBox":
print(str(correctedPath, " is Not RMESH"))
var scene = Node3D.new()
scene.name = str(fileName, "_", rt.Name, "_", RMESH_LOAD_COUNT)
# debug rot and name!
#var text3 = Label3D.new()
#text3.position.y = 10
#text3.scale.x = 3
#text3.scale.y = 3
#text3.scale.z = 3
#text3.billboard = BaseMaterial3D.BILLBOARD_ENABLED
#text3.name = "Egg"
#scene.set_meta("rmesh", fileName)
var count: int = 0

src/stinky.gd Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
extends Node3D
func _process(delta: float):
$Egg.text = str("ROT: ", rad_to_deg(rotation.y), "\n", get_meta("rmesh"))