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extends CanvasLayer
@export var fps: Label
@export var frame_time: Label
@export var frame_number: Label
@export var frame_history_total_avg: Label
@export var frame_history_total_min: Label
@export var frame_history_total_max: Label
@export var frame_history_total_last: Label
@export var frame_history_cpu_avg: Label
@export var frame_history_cpu_min: Label
@export var frame_history_cpu_max: Label
@export var frame_history_cpu_last: Label
@export var frame_history_gpu_avg: Label
@export var frame_history_gpu_min: Label
@export var frame_history_gpu_max: Label
@export var frame_history_gpu_last: Label
@export var fps_graph: Panel
@export var total_graph: Panel
@export var cpu_graph: Panel
@export var gpu_graph: Panel
@export var information: Label
@export var settings: Label
## The number of frames to keep in history for graph drawing and best/worst calculations.
## Currently, this also affects how FPS is measured.
const GRAPH_SIZE = Vector2(150, 25)
const GRAPH_MIN_FPS = 10
const GRAPH_MAX_FPS = 160
## Debug menu display style.
enum Style {
HIDDEN, ## Debug menu is hidden.
VISIBLE_COMPACT, ## Debug menu is visible, with only the FPS, FPS cap (if any) and time taken to render the last frame.
VISIBLE_DETAILED, ## Debug menu is visible with full information, including graphs.
MAX, ## Represents the size of the Style enum.
## The style to use when drawing the debug menu.
var style := Style.HIDDEN:
style = value
match style:
visible = false
visible = true
frame_number.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
$DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/FrameTimeHistory.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
$DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/FPSGraph.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
$DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/TotalGraph.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
$DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/CPUGraph.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
$DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/GPUGraph.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
information.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
settings.visible = style == Style.VISIBLE_DETAILED
# Value of `Time.get_ticks_usec()` on the previous frame.
var last_tick := 0
var thread :=
## Returns the sum of all values of an array (use as a parameter to `Array.reduce()`).
var sum_func := func avg(accum: float, number: float) -> float: return accum + number
# History of the last `HISTORY_NUM_FRAMES` rendered frames.
var frame_history_total: Array[float] = []
var frame_history_cpu: Array[float] = []
var frame_history_gpu: Array[float] = []
var fps_history: Array[float] = [] # Only used for graphs.
var frametime_avg := GRAPH_MIN_FRAMETIME
var frametime_cpu_avg := GRAPH_MAX_FRAMETIME
var frametime_gpu_avg := GRAPH_MIN_FRAMETIME
var frames_per_second := float(GRAPH_MIN_FPS)
var frame_time_gradient :=
func _init() -> void:
# This must be done here instead of `_ready()` to avoid having `visibility_changed` be emitted immediately.
visible = false
if not InputMap.has_action("cycle_debug_menu"):
# Create default input action if no user-defined override exists.
# We can't do it in the editor plugin's activation code as it doesn't seem to work there.
var event :=
event.keycode = KEY_F3
InputMap.action_add_event("cycle_debug_menu", event)
func _ready() -> void:
# NOTE: Both FPS and frametimes are colored following FPS logic
# (red = 10 FPS, yellow = 60 FPS, green = 110 FPS, cyan = 160 FPS).
# This makes the color gradient non-linear.
# Colors are taken from <>.
frame_time_gradient.set_color(0, Color8(239, 68, 68)) # red-500
frame_time_gradient.set_color(1, Color8(56, 189, 248)) # light-blue-400
frame_time_gradient.add_point(0.3333, Color8(250, 204, 21)) # yellow-400
frame_time_gradient.add_point(0.6667, Color8(128, 226, 95)) # 50-50 mix of lime-400 and green-400
# Display loading text while information is being queried,
# in case the user toggles the full debug menu just after starting the project.
information.text = "Loading hardware information...\n\n "
settings.text = "Loading project information..."
# Disable thread safety checks as they interfere with this add-on.
# This only affects this particular thread, not other thread instances in the project.
# See <> for details.
# Use a Callable so that this can be ignored on Godot 4.0 without causing a script error
# (thread safety checks were added in Godot 4.1).
if Engine.get_version_info()["hex"] >= 0x040100:
Callable(Thread, "set_thread_safety_checks_enabled").call(false)
# Enable required time measurements to display CPU/GPU frame time information.
# These lines are time-consuming operations, so run them in a separate thread.
RenderingServer.viewport_set_measure_render_time(get_viewport().get_viewport_rid(), true)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event.is_action_pressed("cycle_debug_menu"):
style = wrapi(style + 1, 0, Style.MAX) as Style
func _exit_tree() -> void:
## Update hardware information label (this can change at runtime based on window
## size and graphics settings). This is only called when the window is resized.
## To update when graphics settings are changed, the function must be called manually
## using `DebugMenu.update_settings_label()`.
func update_settings_label() -> void:
settings.text = ""
if ProjectSettings.has_setting("application/config/version"):
settings.text += "Project Version: %s\n" % ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/version")
var rendering_method := str(ProjectSettings.get_setting_with_override("rendering/renderer/rendering_method"))
var rendering_method_string := rendering_method
match rendering_method:
rendering_method_string = "Forward+"
rendering_method_string = "Forward Mobile"
rendering_method_string = "Compatibility"
settings.text += "Rendering Method: %s\n" % rendering_method_string
var viewport := get_viewport()
# The size of the viewport rendering, which determines which resolution 3D is rendered at.
var viewport_render_size := Vector2i()
if viewport.content_scale_mode == Window.CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_VIEWPORT:
viewport_render_size = viewport.get_visible_rect().size
settings.text += "Viewport: %d×%d, Window: %d×%d\n" % [viewport.get_visible_rect().size.x, viewport.get_visible_rect().size.y, viewport.size.x, viewport.size.y]
# Window size matches viewport size.
viewport_render_size = viewport.size
settings.text += "Viewport: %d×%d\n" % [viewport.size.x, viewport.size.y]
# Display 3D settings only if relevant.
if viewport.get_camera_3d():
var scaling_3d_mode_string := "(unknown)"
match viewport.scaling_3d_mode:
scaling_3d_mode_string = "Bilinear"
scaling_3d_mode_string = "FSR 1.0"
scaling_3d_mode_string = "FSR 2.2"
var antialiasing_3d_string := ""
if viewport.scaling_3d_mode == Viewport.SCALING_3D_MODE_FSR2:
# The FSR2 scaling mode includes its own temporal antialiasing implementation.
antialiasing_3d_string += (" + " if not antialiasing_3d_string.is_empty() else "") + "FSR 2.2"
if viewport.scaling_3d_mode != Viewport.SCALING_3D_MODE_FSR2 and viewport.use_taa:
# Godot's own TAA is ignored when using FSR2 scaling mode, as FSR2 provides its own TAA implementation.
antialiasing_3d_string += (" + " if not antialiasing_3d_string.is_empty() else "") + "TAA"
if viewport.msaa_3d >= Viewport.MSAA_2X:
antialiasing_3d_string += (" + " if not antialiasing_3d_string.is_empty() else "") + "%d× MSAA" % pow(2, viewport.msaa_3d)
if viewport.screen_space_aa == Viewport.SCREEN_SPACE_AA_FXAA:
antialiasing_3d_string += (" + " if not antialiasing_3d_string.is_empty() else "") + "FXAA"
settings.text += "3D scale (%s): %d%% = %d×%d" % [
viewport.scaling_3d_scale * 100,
viewport_render_size.x * viewport.scaling_3d_scale,
viewport_render_size.y * viewport.scaling_3d_scale,
if not antialiasing_3d_string.is_empty():
settings.text += "\n3D Antialiasing: %s" % antialiasing_3d_string
var environment := viewport.get_camera_3d().get_world_3d().environment
if environment:
if environment.ssr_enabled:
settings.text += "\nSSR: %d Steps" % environment.ssr_max_steps
if environment.ssao_enabled:
settings.text += "\nSSAO: On"
if environment.ssil_enabled:
settings.text += "\nSSIL: On"
if environment.sdfgi_enabled:
settings.text += "\nSDFGI: %d Cascades" % environment.sdfgi_cascades
if environment.glow_enabled:
settings.text += "\nGlow: On"
if environment.volumetric_fog_enabled:
settings.text += "\nVolumetric Fog: On"
var antialiasing_2d_string := ""
if viewport.msaa_2d >= Viewport.MSAA_2X:
antialiasing_2d_string = "%d× MSAA" % pow(2, viewport.msaa_2d)
if not antialiasing_2d_string.is_empty():
settings.text += "\n2D Antialiasing: %s" % antialiasing_2d_string
## Update hardware/software information label (this never changes at runtime).
func update_information_label() -> void:
var adapter_string := ""
# Make "NVIDIA Corporation" and "NVIDIA" be considered identical (required when using OpenGL to avoid redundancy).
if RenderingServer.get_video_adapter_vendor().trim_suffix(" Corporation") in RenderingServer.get_video_adapter_name():
# Avoid repeating vendor name before adapter name.
# Trim redundant suffix sometimes reported by NVIDIA graphics cards when using OpenGL.
adapter_string = RenderingServer.get_video_adapter_name().trim_suffix("/PCIe/SSE2")
adapter_string = RenderingServer.get_video_adapter_vendor() + " - " + RenderingServer.get_video_adapter_name().trim_suffix("/PCIe/SSE2")
# Graphics driver version information isn't always availble.
var driver_info := OS.get_video_adapter_driver_info()
var driver_info_string := ""
if driver_info.size() >= 2:
driver_info_string = driver_info[1]
driver_info_string = "(unknown)"
var release_string := ""
if OS.has_feature("editor"):
# Editor build (implies `debug`).
release_string = "editor"
elif OS.has_feature("debug"):
# Debug export template build.
release_string = "debug"
# Release export template build.
release_string = "release"
var rendering_method := str(ProjectSettings.get_setting_with_override("rendering/renderer/rendering_method"))
var rendering_driver := str(ProjectSettings.get_setting_with_override("rendering/rendering_device/driver"))
var graphics_api_string := rendering_driver
if rendering_method != "gl_compatibility":
if rendering_driver == "d3d12":
graphics_api_string = "Direct3D 12"
elif rendering_driver == "metal":
graphics_api_string = "Metal"
elif rendering_driver == "vulkan":
if OS.has_feature("macos") or OS.has_feature("ios"):
graphics_api_string = "Vulkan via MoltenVK"
graphics_api_string = "Vulkan"
if rendering_driver == "opengl3_angle":
graphics_api_string = "OpenGL via ANGLE"
elif OS.has_feature("mobile") or rendering_driver == "opengl3_es":
graphics_api_string = "OpenGL ES"
elif OS.has_feature("web"):
graphics_api_string = "WebGL"
elif rendering_driver == "opengl3":
graphics_api_string = "OpenGL"
information.text = (
"%s, %d threads\n" % [OS.get_processor_name().replace("(R)", "").replace("(TM)", ""), OS.get_processor_count()]
+ "%s %s (%s %s), %s %s\n" % [OS.get_name(), "64-bit" if OS.has_feature("64") else "32-bit", release_string, "double" if OS.has_feature("double") else "single", graphics_api_string, RenderingServer.get_video_adapter_api_version()]
+ "%s, %s" % [adapter_string, driver_info_string]
func _fps_graph_draw() -> void:
var fps_polyline := PackedVector2Array()
for fps_index in fps_history.size():
fps_polyline[fps_index] = Vector2(
remap(fps_index, 0, fps_history.size(), 0, GRAPH_SIZE.x),
remap(clampf(fps_history[fps_index], GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS), GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, GRAPH_SIZE.y, 0.0)
# Don't use antialiasing to speed up line drawing, but use a width that scales with
# viewport scale to keep the line easily readable on hiDPI displays.
fps_graph.draw_polyline(fps_polyline, frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(frames_per_second, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0)), 1.0)
func _total_graph_draw() -> void:
var total_polyline := PackedVector2Array()
for total_index in frame_history_total.size():
total_polyline[total_index] = Vector2(
remap(total_index, 0, frame_history_total.size(), 0, GRAPH_SIZE.x),
remap(clampf(frame_history_total[total_index], GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS), GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, GRAPH_SIZE.y, 0.0)
# Don't use antialiasing to speed up line drawing, but use a width that scales with
# viewport scale to keep the line easily readable on hiDPI displays.
total_graph.draw_polyline(total_polyline, frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_avg, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0)), 1.0)
func _cpu_graph_draw() -> void:
var cpu_polyline := PackedVector2Array()
for cpu_index in frame_history_cpu.size():
cpu_polyline[cpu_index] = Vector2(
remap(cpu_index, 0, frame_history_cpu.size(), 0, GRAPH_SIZE.x),
remap(clampf(frame_history_cpu[cpu_index], GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS), GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, GRAPH_SIZE.y, 0.0)
# Don't use antialiasing to speed up line drawing, but use a width that scales with
# viewport scale to keep the line easily readable on hiDPI displays.
cpu_graph.draw_polyline(cpu_polyline, frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_cpu_avg, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0)), 1.0)
func _gpu_graph_draw() -> void:
var gpu_polyline := PackedVector2Array()
for gpu_index in frame_history_gpu.size():
gpu_polyline[gpu_index] = Vector2(
remap(gpu_index, 0, frame_history_gpu.size(), 0, GRAPH_SIZE.x),
remap(clampf(frame_history_gpu[gpu_index], GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS), GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, GRAPH_SIZE.y, 0.0)
# Don't use antialiasing to speed up line drawing, but use a width that scales with
# viewport scale to keep the line easily readable on hiDPI displays.
gpu_graph.draw_polyline(gpu_polyline, frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_gpu_avg, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0)), 1.0)
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
if visible:
# Difference between the last two rendered frames in milliseconds.
var frametime := (Time.get_ticks_usec() - last_tick) * 0.001
if frame_history_total.size() > HISTORY_NUM_FRAMES:
# Frametimes are colored following FPS logic (red = 10 FPS, yellow = 60 FPS, green = 110 FPS, cyan = 160 FPS).
# This makes the color gradient non-linear.
frametime_avg = frame_history_total.reduce(sum_func) / frame_history_total.size()
frame_history_total_avg.text = str(frametime_avg).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_total_avg.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_avg, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var frametime_min: float = frame_history_total.min()
frame_history_total_min.text = str(frametime_min).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_total_min.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_min, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var frametime_max: float = frame_history_total.max()
frame_history_total_max.text = str(frametime_max).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_total_max.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_max, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
frame_history_total_last.text = str(frametime).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_total_last.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var viewport_rid := get_viewport().get_viewport_rid()
var frametime_cpu := RenderingServer.viewport_get_measured_render_time_cpu(viewport_rid) + RenderingServer.get_frame_setup_time_cpu()
if frame_history_cpu.size() > HISTORY_NUM_FRAMES:
frametime_cpu_avg = frame_history_cpu.reduce(sum_func) / frame_history_cpu.size()
frame_history_cpu_avg.text = str(frametime_cpu_avg).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_cpu_avg.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_cpu_avg, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var frametime_cpu_min: float = frame_history_cpu.min()
frame_history_cpu_min.text = str(frametime_cpu_min).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_cpu_min.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_cpu_min, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var frametime_cpu_max: float = frame_history_cpu.max()
frame_history_cpu_max.text = str(frametime_cpu_max).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_cpu_max.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_cpu_max, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
frame_history_cpu_last.text = str(frametime_cpu).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_cpu_last.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_cpu, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var frametime_gpu := RenderingServer.viewport_get_measured_render_time_gpu(viewport_rid)
if frame_history_gpu.size() > HISTORY_NUM_FRAMES:
frametime_gpu_avg = frame_history_gpu.reduce(sum_func) / frame_history_gpu.size()
frame_history_gpu_avg.text = str(frametime_gpu_avg).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_gpu_avg.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_gpu_avg, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var frametime_gpu_min: float = frame_history_gpu.min()
frame_history_gpu_min.text = str(frametime_gpu_min).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_gpu_min.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_gpu_min, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
var frametime_gpu_max: float = frame_history_gpu.max()
frame_history_gpu_max.text = str(frametime_gpu_max).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_gpu_max.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_gpu_max, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
frame_history_gpu_last.text = str(frametime_gpu).pad_decimals(2)
frame_history_gpu_last.modulate = frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(1000.0 / frametime_gpu, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
frames_per_second = 1000.0 / frametime_avg
if fps_history.size() > HISTORY_NUM_FRAMES:
fps.text = str(floor(frames_per_second)) + " FPS"
var frame_time_color := frame_time_gradient.sample(remap(frames_per_second, GRAPH_MIN_FPS, GRAPH_MAX_FPS, 0.0, 1.0))
fps.modulate = frame_time_color
frame_time.text = str(frametime).pad_decimals(2) + " mspf"
frame_time.modulate = frame_time_color
var vsync_string := ""
match DisplayServer.window_get_vsync_mode():
vsync_string = "V-Sync"
vsync_string = "Adaptive V-Sync"
vsync_string = "Mailbox V-Sync"
if Engine.max_fps > 0 or OS.low_processor_usage_mode:
# Display FPS cap determined by `Engine.max_fps` or low-processor usage mode sleep duration
# (the lowest FPS cap is used).
var low_processor_max_fps := roundi(1000000.0 / OS.low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec)
var fps_cap := low_processor_max_fps
if Engine.max_fps > 0:
fps_cap = mini(Engine.max_fps, low_processor_max_fps)
frame_time.text += " (cap: " + str(fps_cap) + " FPS"
if not vsync_string.is_empty():
frame_time.text += " + " + vsync_string
frame_time.text += ")"
if not vsync_string.is_empty():
frame_time.text += " (" + vsync_string + ")"
frame_number.text = "Frame: " + str(Engine.get_frames_drawn())
last_tick = Time.get_ticks_usec()
func _on_visibility_changed() -> void:
if visible:
# Reset graphs to prevent them from looking strange before `HISTORY_NUM_FRAMES` frames
# have been drawn.
var frametime_last := (Time.get_ticks_usec() - last_tick) * 0.001
fps_history.fill(1000.0 / frametime_last)
var viewport_rid := get_viewport().get_viewport_rid()
frame_history_cpu.fill(RenderingServer.viewport_get_measured_render_time_cpu(viewport_rid) + RenderingServer.get_frame_setup_time_cpu())