
401 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

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frame_history_cpu_max = NodePath("DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/FrameTimeHistory/CPUMax")
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frame_history_gpu_min = NodePath("DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/FrameTimeHistory/GPUMin")
frame_history_gpu_max = NodePath("DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/FrameTimeHistory/GPUMax")
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cpu_graph = NodePath("DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/CPUGraph/Graph")
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[node name="CPUAvg" type="Label" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/FrameTimeHistory"]
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[node name="CPUGraph" type="HBoxContainer" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer"]
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[node name="Graph" type="Panel" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/CPUGraph"]
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[node name="GPUGraph" type="HBoxContainer" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
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[node name="Title" type="Label" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/GPUGraph"]
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[node name="Graph" type="Panel" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer/GPUGraph"]
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[node name="Information" type="Label" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer"]
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text = "12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i0-1234K
Windows 12 64-bit (double precision), Vulkan 1.2.34
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 1234, 123.45.67"
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[node name="Settings" type="Label" parent="DebugMenu/VBoxContainer"]
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text = "Project Version: 1.2.3
Rendering Method: Forward+
Window: 1234×567, Viewport: 1234×567
3D Scale (FSR 1.0): 100% = 1234×567
3D Antialiasing: TAA + 2× MSAA + FXAA
SSR: 123 Steps
SDFGI: 1 Cascades
Glow: On
Volumetric Fog: On
2D Antialiasing: 2× MSAA"
horizontal_alignment = 2
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